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在现当代拉丁美洲历史上,虽然许多深孚众望的杰出作家往往又都是积极活跃、颇得民心的社会活动家和担任政府要职的政治家,但是,迄今为止,担任国家最高行政职务——总统并在文学上有高深造诣和建树的也不过三位:一位是曾任委内瑞拉共和国总统的拉丁美洲著名长篇小说《堂娜·芭芭拉》的作者罗慕洛·加列戈斯(1884—1969),一位是墨西哥合众国前总统、长篇神话小说《羽蛇》的作者何塞·洛佩斯·波蒂略(1920—),另一位便是现任巴西联邦共和国总统的本篇作品的作者若泽·萨尔内(1930—)。拉丁美洲当代叙事文学自本也纪四十年代开始得到国际文坛的确认并肯定之后,发展异常迅速,终于在六十年代伊始以其“文学爆炸”震惊世界。除了艺术手法的执着探索和表现技巧的大胆尝试之外,拉丁美洲作家勇于对社会承担高度的政治责任这一普遍的和自觉的民族意识也是他们获取成功的极其重要的原因。综观萨尔内的文学作品,他当然也属于这一作家层次。《大沼泽轶事》(Brejal dos Guajas)写的是资本主义国家里屡见不鲜的一出竞选丑剧。由著名的政治家出手来剖析本国政界内幕而又痛快淋漓,毫不掩饰,应该说是相当真实可信,因而其精神也是难能可贵、令人肃然起敬的。读者不难看出,在萨尔内先生笔下,土豪权贵为了控制当地政权,是如何勾心斗角、造谣污蔑、收卖倒戈乃至枪刀相见,而完全丢弃了早已撕烂了的亲属关系的面纱,后来为了各自的权益,又是如何聒不知耻地坐地分脏、握手言和的。资产阶级政客凶狠、阴险、奸诈而又愚蠢的嘴脸被刻画得真可谓入木三分,淋漓尽致。本篇作品选译自作家的中短篇小说集《大沼泽轶事及其他故事》,巴西里约热内卢阿拉姆勃拉出版社1985年出版。 In the modern Latin American history, although many prominent and popular writers are often active, popular social activists and politicians in charge of the government, so far, they have held the highest administrative positions in the country - The president has literary attainments and accomplishments but no more than three: one is Romulus Gallegos (1884, author of the famous Latin American novel “Donna Barbara” who was the president of the Republic of Venezuela -1969), one was José López Portillo (1920-), former president of the United Mexican States, author of the long feather mythology, and the other, the current work of the President of the Federal Republic of Brazil The author Jose Saerne (1930-). Latin American contemporary narrative literature has developed extremely rapidly since it was first confirmed and affirmed by the international literary world in the 1940s. It finally shocked the world with its literary explosion at the beginning of the 1960s. In addition to the bold attempt to persevere in artistic practices and expressive techniques, the universal and conscious national consciousness that Latin American writers have the courage to assume a high degree of political responsibility toward society is also an extremely important reason for their success. Looking at Sarne’s literary works, he certainly belongs to this writer level. Brejal dos Guajas writes about a campaign ugly drama that is common in capitalist countries. The famous politicians shot to analyze the inside of their own country and full of joy, without concealment, it should be said is quite true and credible, so its spirit is commendable, awe-inspiring. It is not hard for the reader to see how, in the writings of Mr. Salne, the tyrant’s elite tried to control the local regime by flirting with rumors, selling rumors and guns, and completely discarding the veil of the already torn kinship. Later, For their own rights, but also how unscrupulous to sit dirty, shake hands. Fierce, insidious, treacherous and silly faces of the bourgeois politicians are portrayed as one-third, most vividly. This work is a selection of short and medium length novels collected by writers, The Swamp Anecdotes and Other Stories, published by Arampula Press, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1985.
关于熔融 FeO 导致焦炭性能恶化的情况,对如下三方面进行了基础研究。①反应量对焦炭性能恶化程度的影响;②CO_2气体与焦炭反应造成恶化的差别;③焦炭质量的影 In the case
为提高癌痛治疗质量和减轻对口服吗啡的耐受性,作者评估了口服氯胺酮和经皮硝酸甘油贴剂辅助口服吗啡的效果。 60例对曲马多和非甾体抗炎药(NSAID)治疗无效的癌 To improve
t(15 ;17) (q2 2 ;q12 )是急性早幼粒细胞白血病 (acute prom yelocytic leuk-emia,APL )的特征性染色体重排 ,约见于 70 %~ 10 0 %的 APL 患者 ,该易位使15号染色体上的早幼
“十五”期间我国钢铁工业布局及区域结构调整为更好地发挥市场对资源合理配置的基础作用和国家统一规划的指导作用 ,按照专业化生产和区域发展市场需求的原则 ,促进钢铁工业
日本秋田冶炼株式会社饭岛冶炼厂分别在 1997年 9月和 1999年9月完成了年产 3万t和 1万t的扩产工程 ,目前该厂的电锌产能已达到 19 6万t/a。饭岛冶炼厂为湿法炼锌厂 ,精矿经焙烧
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