Effects of submicron diamonds on the growth of copper in Cu-diamond co-deposition

来源 :International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guodianwangxg
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Submicron diamonds were co-deposited on aluminum substrates with copper from the acid copper sulfate electrolyte by electrolyte-suspension co-deposition. After submicron diamonds were added to the electrolyte, the shape of copper grains transformed from oval or round to polyhedron, the growth mode of copper grains transformed from columnar growth to gradual change in size, and the preferred orientation of copper grains transformed from (220) to (200). Analyzing the variation of cathodic overpotential, it was found that the cathodic overpotential tended to remain unchanged when copper plane (220) grew in the process of electrodepositing pure copper, while it tended to decrease with time when copper plane (200) grew in the process of co-deposition. It was inferred that copper plane (200) was propitious to the deposition of submicron diamonds. Submicron diamonds were co-deposited on aluminum substrates with copper from the acid copper sulfate electrolyte by electrolyte-suspension co-deposition. After submicron diamonds were added to the electrolyte, the shape of copper grains transformed from oval or round to polyhedron, the growth mode of the copper grains transformed from columnar growth to gradual change in size, and the preferred orientation of copper grains transformed from (220) to (200). Analyzing the variation of cathodic overpotential, it was found that the cathodic overpotential tended to remain unchanged when copper plane was (220) grew in the process of electrodepositing pure copper, while it tended to decrease with time when copper plane (200) grew in the process of co-deposition. It was inferred that copper plane (200) was propitious to the deposition of submicron diamonds.
The inorganic-organic hybrid junction was synthesized on ITO glass substrate,which was consisted of an n-type ZnO nanorods(NRs)grown by low-temperature aqueous
南岩新归石,霹雳压根出;  勺水润其根,成竹知何日。  这是北宋诗人黄庭坚喜得一方竹笋石后,写出的中国历史上最早吟咏竹笋石的著名诗篇。  竹笋石通称角化石,简称角石,学名“震旦角石”。震旦,是古印度人对中国的称谓。目前所知,角石仅产于中国,是中国特有的化石之一,故现代人称其为“中华角石” 。  角石用于制砚,始于北宋,兴于明清,是砚林中的一个品类。  北宋欧阳修《砚谱》载:“绛州角石者,其色如白牛