
来源 :军事经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jeffersonvon
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西方发达国家为适应“冷和”时期的战略需要,在军事领域采取了“外源化”、“有计划地开展军民两用技术”、“积极拓展军事科研生产的国际合作”等重大改革措施。西方军事经济发展的未来走向和改革措施启示我们:对军队后勤保障“外源化”应持慎重态度,要根据我国国情、军情加以借鉴;开发军民两用技术,构建“军民兼容”型保障体系,必须加大“政府投入”;在国际军事科研生产合作中,只有充分发挥自己的优势,才能保证合作朝有利于我的方向发展。 In order to meet the strategic needs of the “cold” period, the western developed countries adopted major reform measures in the military field such as “externalization”, “carrying out dual-use military and civilian projects in a planned way” and “actively expanding international cooperation in military scientific research and production” . The future direction of the development of the western military economy and the reform measures enlighten us that we should take a cautious attitude towards the “externalization” of the logistics support for the armed forces, draw lessons from China’s national conditions and military affairs, and develop a dual-use military and civilian technology to establish a “civil-military compatible” type guarantee system , “Government investment” must be stepped up. In international cooperation in military scientific research and production, only by giving full play to its own advantages can we ensure cooperation in the direction that is conducive to me.
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