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研究了采用“苏打焙烧—碱浸出铝、钼—氯气浸出钴、镍、铁等—TBP萃取除铁—中和水解除铬—P204萃取除微量杂质—N235萃取分离镍、钴”工艺处理废高温镍钴合金,重点考察了从废镍钴合金中浸出镍和钴,讨论了苏打焙烧温度和碱浓度对铝、钼浸出率的影响,碱浸渣氯气浸出电位、浸出时间、废合金粒度、添加剂的加入等因素对镍、钴浸出率的影响。试验确定了从废高温镍钴合金中浸出镍、钴的工艺优化条件。综合条件下,镍、钴平均浸出率分别为99.30%和97.67%,浸出渣中镍、钴质量分数平均为0.51%和0.44%。 In this paper, the technology of “soda roasting-alkali leaching of aluminum, molybdenum-chlorine leaching of cobalt, nickel, iron-TBP extraction iron removal-neutralization hydrolysis chromium removal-P204 extraction of trace impurities -N235 extraction and separation of nickel and cobalt” The research focuses on the leaching of nickel and cobalt from waste nickel-cobalt alloy. The effects of roasting temperature and alkali concentration on the leaching rate of aluminum and molybdenum were discussed. The leaching potential of alkali leaching chlorine gas, leaching time, particle size of waste alloy , Additives and other factors on the nickel, cobalt leaching rate. The experiment determined the process optimization conditions for leaching nickel and cobalt from waste high temperature nickel-cobalt alloy. Under the comprehensive conditions, the average leaching rates of nickel and cobalt were 99.30% and 97.67%, respectively. The average nickel and cobalt contents in leaching residue were 0.51% and 0.44% respectively.
Background Some research groups have hypothesized that human rhinoviruses (HRVs) delayed the circulation of the 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1) virus (A(H1N1)pd
Background Significant efforts have been made to identify factors that differentiate patients treated with novel therapies,such as bortezomib in multiple myelom
目的观察具有心室自动夺获功能(AC)的双腔起搏器(Kappa 700)置入后参数的变化情况和安全性。方法随访56例置人Kappa 700型起搏器患者,观察术后1周及术后1、3、6个月心室起搏阈值、
【摘要】目的 探讨了氟康唑联合碘酊治疗真菌性角膜炎的临床疗效。方法 回顾性分析了我院2009年1月-2010年12月真菌性角膜炎患者34例,随机分为2组,观察组采用氟康唑联合碘酊治疗;对照组采用两性霉素B治疗;观察对比两组的治疗效果。结果 观察组治愈率76.5%和总有效率4.8%高于对照组的47.1%和76.5%,差异有统计学意义(P0. 05),具有可比性。  1.2治疗方法34例患者均先用生理