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  Since 1997 the Ohio foursome 98°—Justin Jeffre, Jeff Timmons and brothers Nick and Drew Lachey—have belted their way into the soft hearts of countless fans.

  98°’s combination of laid-on-thick ballads1 like “Never Giving Up” and “Yesterday’s Letter” and boy-next-door good looks has proved to be a foolproof formula for teen-sensation success, but make no mistake—98°are no pre-assembled studio product.
  They got their start years ago, when Jeff Timmons moved from Cincinnati to Los Angeles to form a singing group and pursue a musical career. Jeff’s friend suggested Nick Lachey and Justin Jeffre, two of his former classmates at the Cincinnati School For Creative And Performing Arts. Nick eventually recruited2 his brother Drew, who impulsively left his steady job as an emergency medical technician in Brooklyn to move to L.A. and become the fourth and final member of 98°.
  The four fledgling3 future stars got their big break when they attempted to sneak backstage at a Boyz II Men concert. They didn’t succeed, but a local radio station covering the concert asked them to sing live on the air. Paris D’Jon, Montell Jordan’s manager, was present during the impromptu4 broadcast and liked what he heard; he took 98°under his mighty wing and gave them the opening-act spot on Montell Jordan’s national tour. Several major labels soon came, and 98°decided to go with Motown. Various big-time producers and composers worked on 98°’s self-titled debut, only further ensuring the group’s mainstream pop success.

  1.ballad [5bAlEd] n. 叙事歌;情歌
  2.recruit [rI5kru:t] v. 征募;招收
  3.fledgling [5fledVlIN] adj. 年轻的;无经验的
  4.impromptu [Im5prmptju:] adj. 即兴的;即席的
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