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当今世界,文化的作用日益突显,“非物质文化遗产”作为一个民族古老的生命记忆和活态的文化基因,被誉为“人类精神的家园”。面对现代文化商品化的巨大冲击,非物质文化遗产在从文化资源到文化产品的转化过程中,其原生态与本真性受到一定冲击。文章通过分析作为文化资源的非物质文化遗产和文化商品各自的特性,发现其均需要注重保护非物质文化遗产的原真性,走传承与发展并行的新路,以促进文化创新和多元发展,从而实现维护国家文化主权和文化安全的战略需要。 In today’s world, the role of culture is increasingly prominent. As an ancient cultural memory and living cultural gene, the “Intangible Cultural Heritage” has been praised as the “homeland of human spirits.” Faced with the tremendous impact of the commercialization of modern culture, intangible cultural heritage in its transformation from cultural resources to cultural products, the original ecology and authenticity of a certain impact. By analyzing the respective characteristics of intangible cultural heritage and cultural goods as cultural resources, the article finds that they all need to pay attention to the authenticity of the protection of intangible cultural heritage and take the new path of inheritance and development in parallel to promote cultural innovation and diversified development. Realize the strategic needs of safeguarding national cultural sovereignty and cultural security.
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「一」  那日,是《富春山居图》首映的第二天,六月的天气,竟出奇的阴冷,我被蛋糕连卷带扯出了门,“你这睡莲病,已经没谱了,天一黑你就睡也就算了,为何青天白日你也不精神了?”蛋糕质问着我。  没错,我有种遗传病——睡莲病,大概每几千万个人里,就出我这么一个,太阳一落山,我就会睡着,我的妈妈、外婆都是这样,据说此病传女不传男,因此,我中奖了。我从未上过晚自习,去过夜店,就连演唱会,也没有去过,我曾经偷
再认识我国社会发展的整个过程,以便更明确地决定各方面活动的战略.策略目标,乃是苏联共产党当今政策的显著特点之一. 农业政策——这是党的总政治方针不可分割的组成部分.
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