Study on the planning and design of Memorial Park

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  ABSTRACT:Memorial is a unique human spiritual activities,it has existed for thousands of years with human civilization,through people's memories and memories to achieve emotional exchanges. Memorial Park is a kind of space form which is created according to the special memorial feeling of human being,and its space form is more extensive than the memorial building and the monumental sculpture. Through memorial activities,people can make sense of history,learn excellent traditional culture,find a sense of belonging to culture,and promote human progress.
  Key Words:Memorial,Memorial Park,space construction
  1. As an important part of the urban green space system,the park plays an important role in the city. It can not only provide the function of "beautifying,greening and purifying" for the city,it can also provide a place for local people to relax and enjoy their leisure activities.
  2. At home and abroad,the study of memorial space in foreign countries started early,but also relatively mature,especially in Europe and the United States,the study of memorial theory,in the forefront of the world. In practice,the practice of memorial space in foreign countries spans the whole history and civilization of mankind. It can not be said definitively that the memorial behavior originated from which country.
  3. The design principle of Memorial Park in the background of ancient tombs summarizes that the ancient celebrities all have their values and spiritual views,and it is necessary to excavate and protect the thoughts and ideas of the celebrities while protecting the tombs and related cultural relics. The existence of the celebrity spirit is the premise of building a memorial park. While inheriting its cultural spirit,we also need to protect the existing cultural relics,so that the site has a more cultural and historical sense. This requires designers in the design process,fully investigate the local actual situation,dig deep cultural background story,at the same time,on the basis of inheriting traditional culture,but also pay attention to space style innovation,to create a memorial space with the characteristics of the new era.
  4.The cultural integration lets the entire site rebirth,coruscates the vigorous vigor. Landscape design plays a more and more important role in the space,which also determines that in the process of design,we should combine the landscape design and historical culture of the site to create a space with the characteristics of a new era.
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