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5月31日上午,由农业部、山东省政府主办,青岛市政府、山东省海洋与渔业厅承办的“黄渤海生物资源增殖放流启劝仪式”在青岛奥帆中心举行。农业部部长孙政才,省委副书记高新事、副省长贾万志等领导出席仪式并讲话。贾万志副省长主持仪式。农业部等有关部委,山东省财政厅、海洋与渔业厅等有关部门,青岛市海洋与渔业局等有关部门负责同志参加启动仪式。中国科协副主席、中国工程院院士唐启升应邀参加仪式。省厅侯英民厅长、王瑗副厅长出席仪式。 May 31 morning, hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Shandong Provincial Government, Qingdao Municipal Government, Shandong Provincial Department of Fisheries and Fisheries hosted the “Yellow Sea and Bohai biological resources to expand the flow Qi advised the ceremony,” held in Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center. Minister of Agriculture Sun Zhengcai, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Hi-tech and Vice Governor Jia Wanzhi and other leaders attended the ceremony and delivered speeches. Vice Governor Jia Wanzhi presided over the ceremony. Ministry of Agriculture and other relevant ministries, Shandong Provincial Department of Finance, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries and other relevant departments, Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Ocean and Fishery and other relevant departments responsible comrades to participate in the launching ceremony. Tang Qisheng, vice chairman of China Association for Science and Technology and member of Chinese Academy of Engineering, was invited to attend the ceremony. Minister Hou Yingmin, Deputy Director Wang Jian attended the ceremony.
精囊囊肿随着诊断技术的发展及对本病的认识提高 ,报告逐渐增多。我们共诊治 8例 ,报告如下 :材料和方法1.临床资料 本组 8例。年龄 2 1~ 70岁 ,平均4 0 .3岁。未婚 2例。已
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