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据浙江省外经贸厅统计,今年1-10月全省新批准设立外商投资企业3464家,同比增长35.5%;投资总额209.82亿美元,同比增长70.5%;合同外资金额92.27亿美元,同比增长73.5%;实际利用外资37.67亿美元,同比增长64.3%。截止2003年10月底,累计批准设立外商投资企业27477家,投资总额864.55亿美元,合同外资金额454.93亿美元,实际利用外资206.38亿美元。投资总额1000万美元以上的项目2175家,占7.9%;投资总额552.47亿美元,占63.9%;合同外资金额279.68亿美元,占61.5%。其中投资总额超亿美元以上的项目37家,投资总额86.04亿美元,合同外资金额37.34亿美元。今年1-10月利用外资方面表现为以下特点:下半年吸收外资势头强劲。从今年6月份起,随着非典影响渐淡和浙洽会的召开,单月合同外资和实际外资均保持较高的增幅。6-10月平均单 According to the statistics of Zhejiang Foreign Economic and Trade Department, from January to October this year, 3464 new foreign-invested enterprises were newly approved and set up in the province, up 35.5% over the same period of last year; the total investment was 20.982 billion U.S. dollars, up 70.5% over the same period of last year; the contracted foreign investment was 9.227 billion U.S. dollars, up 73.5% %; Actually utilized foreign capital 3767000000 dollar, grow 64.3% compared to the same period. By the end of October 2003, a total of 27,477 foreign-invested enterprises had been approved and set up, with a total investment of 86.45 billion U.S. dollars. The contractual foreign investment reached 45.493 billion U.S. dollars and the actually utilized foreign investment was 20.638 billion U.S. dollars. With a total investment of 2175 million, accounting for 7.9%; a total investment of 55.247 billion USdollars, accounting for 63.9%; contractual foreign investment of 27.968 billion US dollars, accounting for 61.5%. Among them, there are 37 projects with a total investment of more than 100 million U.S. dollars, with a total investment of 8.600 billion U.S. dollars and a contractual foreign investment of 3.734 billion U.S. dollars. From January to October this year, the utilization of foreign investment showed the following characteristics: Strong absorption of foreign investment in the second half of the year. Starting from June this year, with the diminishing SARS epidemic and the convening of the Zhejiang Trade Fair, the contract foreign investment and actual foreign investment in the single month all maintained a relatively high rate of increase. 6 - October average single
构筑通道是神经介入手术操作中的首要步骤,经股动脉穿刺6F-90 cm导引导管的通路选择能适应大部分常规动脉栓塞,但对于复杂动脉瘤的血管内治疗,还需要更多样的通道选择,包括增
目的 评价不同产地两面针药材的综合质量.方法 依据2020年版《中国药典》一部对20批两面针药材进行常规检测,并建立两面针HPLC指纹图谱评价其质量一致性.结果 共检出2批药材
在北京新光天地的咖啡厅坐下,周围回荡着优雅的钢琴曲,杜聪拿出湿纸巾仔细擦了擦手,低声说道:“昨天还在四川。”  从满目疮痍的地震灾区到奢侈品云集的北京高档商场,杜聪经常要经历这样落差极大的心理转换。  这个刚过不惑之年的香港人,几乎每个星期要来一次内地,有时候是去河南、安徽的农村,看望他救助的孩子;有时候在北京处理投资银行的业务。“基金会的工作和银行的工作大约各占50%吧。”  杜聪在华尔街工作过
脸谱  冼东妹,1989年进入广东省体校练习摔跤,1990年转练柔道,1993年入选国家集训队。主要成绩:1989年全国女子摔跤锦标赛亚军;1992年全国青年赛冠军;1995年亚洲锦标赛亚军;1997年第八届全运会冠军;2001年第21届世界大学生运动会冠军,第九届全运会冠军;2002年第14届亚运会亚军;2004年法国公开赛冠军,亚洲锦标赛亚军,德国世界杯(个人赛)冠军,雅典奥运会女子柔道52公