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函数是重要的数学思想,也是解决实际问题的一个描述变化规律的数学模型。在初中阶段,函数的学习是一个难点,教师要遵循“由具体到抽象”的原则,引导学生经历概念的抽象过程,感受函数的模型思想,体会由图象探索性质的过程。在探究教学中,教师要成为学生学习的引导者、启发者,带领学生参与观察、思考、对比、想象、验证、类比、归纳等活动,让学生自主探究函数的性质。一、从情境中抽象概念函数概念的形成要经历由具体到抽象的过程,教师要避免 Function is an important mathematical thought, but also a mathematical model that describes the changing law to solve practical problems. In the middle school stage, the function learning is a difficult task. Teachers should follow the principle of “from concrete to abstract”, guide the students through the abstraction process of concept, feel the model thinking of function, and understand the process of exploring nature by image. In inquiry teaching, teachers should become the guide and inspiration of students’ learning, lead the students to participate in activities such as observation, thinking, contrasting, imagination, verification, analogy and induction, etc., so that students can explore the nature of the function independently. First, from the context of the concept of abstract conceptual functions to be formed from the specific to the abstract process, teachers should avoid
[Objectives] To research the fingerprints of chemical components of chloroform parts of Renqing Mangjue and Renqing Mangjue powder( compatibility without Zuota)
通过在溶胶—凝胶溶液中掺入聚乙烯乙二醇有机聚合物,利用普通釉面砖做衬底,制备了多孔TiO2 薄膜。扫描电镜观察表明,一定的热处理条件下,有机聚合物可以显著改变TiO2 薄膜的孔结构。光催
本文针对高中英语语法教学,依托课堂观察,在实践中通过任务创设,变枯燥的语法为生动的语言,活化英语语法教学,提高课堂语言学习的有效性,从而更好地提高学生的语用能力。 In
Objective: To investigate the comparative effects of Diospyros blancoi(Ebenaceae)leaves(DBL), root bark(DBRB) and stem bark(DBSB) on free radicals and cancer.Me