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在改革开放前,为了快速发展国家经济,人们伐木耕田,不断砍伐树木来促进林业经济的发展,在林区人们的生活保障主要靠的就是伐木,而以树木为根本的产业发展水平提高非常快速。随着改革开放的不断深入,对于林业的发展逐渐趋于科学化,国家提出“封山育林”“退耕还林”等政策来保护经济的科学发展。那么,在林业的“改朝换代”下,林业职工的教育要被提上日程,不断创新教育培训模式,林业职工思想的顺利转变成为了较为重要的方面。针对在新时期、新时代的经济大环境下,林业职工的素质和技能的发展现状进行分析,并且对如何创新林业职工的教育模式提出了建议。 Before the reform and opening up, in order to rapidly develop the national economy, people cut down their fields and cut down trees to promote the development of forestry economy. In the forest areas, people’s livelihood protection mainly depends on logging. However, the development level of the tree-based industries is very high fast. With the continuous deepening of reform and opening up, the development of forestry has gradually become more scientific, and the state has put forward policies such as “closing off forests for afforestation” and “returning cultivated land to forests and forests” to protect the scientific development of economy. Then, under the “change of dynasty” of forestry, the education of forestry workers should be put on the agenda and innovative education and training modes should be innovated. The smooth transformation of forestry workers’ thinking has become a more important aspect. In the new era, the new era of economic environment, the quality of forestry workers and skills development status quo analysis, and how to innovate the forestry workers education model is proposed.
一氧化碳中毒是北方寒冷季节常见的中毒事故,中毒后,轻者出现头痛、心悸、恶心、乏力等,重者可出现惊厥、昏迷甚至死亡,我们1997-02~2000-02共收治56例,现报道如下。1 一般资料56
伴随着社会主义现代化进程的加剧,人力资源的配置问题务必要提到日程上来。笔者从多角度分析了劳务派遣对事业单位人力资源管理的影响。 Accompanying the aggravation of t
摘要:形象思维是人类的一种思维方式,人们把彼此分离的表象组合起来,把通过创造性思维深化了的形象置于某一情境之中,使形象与情节有机融合变为艺术形象。作为歌唱者要想把一首声乐作品表现得淋漓尽致、感人至深,首先应从剖析歌词中生动的语言形象、塑造性格揭示人物的精神世界、把握个性鲜明的声音形象等方面,对歌曲作品中所呈现出的各种具体形象进行创造性地整合。  关键词:形象思维;声音形象;语言形象;人物形象  中