
来源 :固体电子学研究与进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wjt197703
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Deep-level transient spectroscopy and photocapacitance techniques (steady -state spectroscopy, transient spectroscopy, optical isothermal transient spectroscopy and initial slope technique) have been used to study the deep-level defects in Te-doped GaAs0.8P0.4. Two electron defects(A and B center) with thermal activation energies of 0.20 and 0.40eV and photoioni-zaton threshold energies of 0.60 and 1.31eV (T = 300K) have been detected. The B center has nonexponential transient capacitance and larger difference between thermal activation energy and photoionization threshold energy. It is suggested that B center belongs to the DX center type. The relation of photoionization section spectrosopy of the B center to the temperature has been studied. It has been found that the photoionization section spectroscopy has an obvious multi-phonon-widen effect. These results support the large -lattice-relaxation model of B center. From the photoionization section spectra at eight different temperatures (104-300K), we have obtained the photoionization threshold energies (1.41-1.31eV) and the lattice relaxation energies(1.25-1.15eV) of B center, which decrease with the increasing temperature in near linear rule. A configuration coordinate diagram has been drawn to describe the large-lattice-relaxation of B center. Deep-level transient spectroscopy and photocapacitance techniques (steady-state spectroscopy, transient spectroscopy, optical isothermal transient spectroscopy and initial slope technique) have been used to study the deep-level defects in Te-doped GaAs 0.8P0.4. Two electron defects A and B center) with thermal activation energies of 0.20 and 0.40 eV and photoioni-zaton threshold energies of 0.60 and 1.31 eV (T = 300 K) have been detected. The B center has nonexponential transient capacitance and larger difference between thermal activation energy and photoionization It has been found that the photo centerization section spectroscopy has an obvious multi-phonon-widen effect. These results support the large -lattice-relaxation model of B center. From the photoionization section spectra at eight different temperatu (104-300K), we have obtained the photoionization threshold energies (1.41-1.31eV) and the lattice relaxation energies (1.25-1.15eV) of B center, which decrease with the increasing temperature in near linear rule. A configuration coordinate diagram has been drawn to describe the large-lattice-relaxation of B center.
实验用品:微型实验操作台(带支杆和铁夹)、单球长管(A)、集气管(B)、多用滴管(C)、T形管(D)、导管(E)、胶皮管、带孔橡胶塞(00号)、橡胶塞(2号)、滤纸条、小烧杯、微型酒精灯、品红试纸、pH试纸,浓硫酸(约70%)、亚硫酸钠粉末、品红溶液、溴水、酸性高锰酸钾溶液、氢氧化钠溶液。  实验步骤:  1.检查装置的气密性。如图1组装连接仪器,把导管下端插入液面以下,在集氣管管口塞紧橡胶塞(2
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