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答:高等动物(包括人类),进行呼吸作用的主要方式是有氧呼吸,由糖类的分解为生命活动提供能量,是机体供能的主要代谢途径。但是,机体也普遍存在着无氧呼吸供能的代谢途径,即通过糖酵解为生命活动提供少量的能量,其最终产物是乳酸。激烈运动形成暂时缺氧状态或由于呼吸、循环机能障碍而供氧不足时,能供应大量能量的有氧氧化过程不能顺利进行。此时,糖酵解作用加强,以释放一部份能量应付急需,在这种情况下。糖酵解的最终产物乳酸产生过多,如不能及时转化,就会引起酸中毒现象。 A: In higher animals (including humans), the main way to breathe is aerobic respiration, which provides energy for the life activities of carbohydrates and is the main metabolic pathway for energy supply. However, the body also exists a metabolic pathway of anaerobic respiration to provide a small amount of energy for life activities through glycolysis, the final product is lactic acid. When intense exercise creates a temporary hypoxia or insufficient oxygen due to breathing and circulatory dysfunction, the aerobic oxidation process that supplies a large amount of energy can not be carried out smoothly. At this point, glycolysis enhances to release some of the energy needed to deal with the urgency, in this case. The final product of glycolysis, lactic acid is too much, if not timely conversion, it will cause acidosis.
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王宝强这个没有任何背景的农家子弟,因为主演了《天下无贼》、《士兵突击》、《集结号》等经典影视剧而大红大紫,并登上了万众瞩目的春晚舞台。成名后的王宝强质朴依旧,而那段变质变味的爱情一度成为他心灵的羁绊,最终,他与这段感情挥泪作别……    憨憨的笑容最是动人    王宝强的初恋降临得猝不及防。那是2004年春暖花开的3月,王宝强前往西单拜见一个导演,在复兴门换乘一号线地铁时他准备买份《明星周刊》,由
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