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问:户外广告与店堂广告如何进行界定?答:根据国家工商局发布的《户外广告登记管理规定》、《店堂广告管理暂行办法》和《户外广告监督管理办法》的规定,在店堂建筑物控制地带发布的广告是属户外广告,还是属于店堂广告问题,从以下几点进行界定。一、发布的形式户外广告发布于建筑物控制地带,一般是指利用公共或者自有场地建筑物、空间设置的路牌、霓虹灯、电子显示屏、灯箱、条幅、橱窗等广告以及利用交通工具店堂广告发布于建筑物控制地带,仅指利用店堂建筑物发布的牌匾。(包括各种水上漂浮物和空中飞行物)设置、绘制、张贴的广告和以其他形式在户外设置、悬挂、张贴的广告。二、发布的主体户外广告以上述形式发布,其主体是广告经营者;店堂广告以上述形式发布,其主体是广告主。三、登记的范围户外广告除在自有场地设置自我宣传的户外广告外,必须办理户外广告登记手续;其户外广告登记申请应当在广告发布30日前向工商行政管理机关提出,经审查符合规定的,由登记机关核发《户外广告登记证》,店堂广告除以核准的名称为内容的标牌、匾额以及店堂内牌匾外,必须 Q: How to define outdoor advertising and store advertising? A: According to the provisions of the Administration of Outdoor Advertising Registration, Interim Measures for the Management of Store Advertising and the Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Outdoor Advertising issued by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, Strip advertising is an outdoor advertising, advertising or belong to the store, from the following points to define. First, the release of the form of outdoor advertising published in the building control zone, the general refers to the use of public or own venue buildings, space set signs, neon lights, electronic displays, light boxes, banners, windows and other advertisements and the use of vehicles store advertising Published in the building control zone, refers only to the use of store buildings issued plaque. (Including a variety of floating objects and airborne objects) set up, drawn, posted ads and other forms of outdoor setting, hanging, posting ads. Second, the release of the main outdoor advertising in the form of publishing, the main is the advertising business; store ads published in the above form, the main is the advertiser. Third, the scope of the registration of outdoor advertising in addition to its own venues set up self-propaganda outdoor advertising, outdoor advertising must be registered; the application for outdoor advertising should be published 30 days before the release to the administrative department for industry and commerce, after examination of compliance with the provisions of , Issued by the registration authority, “outdoor advertising registration certificate”, the store advertising divided by the approved name for the contents of the plaque, plaque and shop inside the plaque, you must