Carbon isotopic records in paleosols over the Pliocene in Northern China: Implication on vegetation

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hannibow
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Carbon isotopic composition of pedogenic carbonate can be used to estimate the proportion of C4 and C3 plants. Here we present carbon isotopic data of carbonate in a red earth section at Xifeng, central Loess Plateau. Results show that C4 vegetation increased in -4.4 Ma B.P., stabilized between 4.0 and 3.0 Ma B.P. The character and timing of C4 expansion on the Loess Plateau are similar, but different with other localities, e.g. Pakistan and Africa, implying that regional climate changes were main factors driving the expansion of C4 plants. This event is comparable in timing with increased aridity evidenced by Xifeng grain size and North Pacific eolian dust records. Therefore we argue that the Pliocene expansion of C4 plants in northern China might have been caused by the increased aridity, which in turn might be related to rapid uplift of the Tibetan Plateau. Carbon isotopic composition of pedogenic carbonate can be used to estimate the proportion of C4 and C3 plants. Here we present carbon isotopic data of carbonate in a red earth section at Xifeng, central Loess Plateau. Results show that C4 vegetation increased in -4.4 Ma BP , stabilized between 4.0 and 3.0 Ma BP The character and timing of C4 expansion on the Loess Plateau are similar but with other localities, eg Pakistan and Africa, implying that regional climate changes were main factors driving the expansion of C4 plants. This event is comparable in timing with increased aridity evidenced by Xifeng grain size and North Pacific eolian dust records. Therefore we argue that the Pliocene expansion of C4 plants in northern China might have been by the increased aridity, which in turn might be related to rapid uplift of the Tibetan Plateau.
摘 要 双回单是异于传统训释方法的、采用逆向思维方式训释古代汉语词语的新训释教学方法,《尔雅》“始”、“大”等组字可以很好演示它的运用。  【关键词】双回单法;《尔雅》;始;大  “双音节词回溯单音节词法”是词语训释教学的新方法,简称“双回单”,“这种方法最大的特点是经过相关转换把现代汉语中的一个双音节词拆成两个语素,用其中一个人们容易了解的语素(或者是以这个语素为核心意义的双音节词)作为释词去解
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2015年6月17日下午14点,凤凰娱乐《电影人才哪里来——中外电影教育互鉴》在上海银星皇冠假日酒店金爵厅举行,多位电影教育界大拿出席本场活动,他们包括:艾伦·贝克(Alan Bak