
来源 :军事历史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:marine_ogz
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大凡军事人才,一般可分为军帅、士兵和专门军事人才三类,而其中前两类是主要成份,它构成了军事人才的主体。然而,在将帅和士兵两类人才中,中国古代的兵家究竟是主张以将帅为主抑或以士兵为主,或者二者并重?笔者认为,这里有一个历史的发展过程。大体上说,在唐代以前,军事人才思想的重心在于有关将才思想的论述;而唐宋以后,有关士才思想的论述内容才逐渐加重,至明代出现了一个质的飞跃,从而使将才与士才二者并重的思想得以产生,形成了中国古代军事人才思想发展的前后两阶段。本文拟以兵书为主要线索,就此两个阶段各自的内容主体及其演变,以及促成其演变的社会背景作一初略探讨,以就教于方家和读者。 Generally, military personnel generally fall into three categories: military commander, soldier and specialized military personnel, of which the first two are major components and constitute the main body of military personnel. However, of the two categories of generals and soldiers, whether ancient Chinese military strategists advocate that they should be mainly marshal-based or soldier-based, or should both be equal? ​​I think there is a historical process of development here. Generally speaking, prior to the Tang Dynasty, the focus of military personnel thought lay on the discussion of the thought of just talent. After the Tang and Song Dynasties, the content of the discourse on scholarship was gradually aggravated. By the Ming Dynasty, a qualitative leap appeared, The idea of ​​equal emphasis both on talents and talents can be produced, forming the two stages before and after the development of the ideology of Chinese military personnel in ancient times. This article intends to take the military literature as the main clue, and makes a brief discussion on the main body of each of these two stages and its evolution, and the social background that contributed to its evolution so as to teach Yu Fangjia and readers.
<正> 由中国社会科学院中国边疆史地研究中心和中国人民大学清史研究所联合筹办的“中国边疆史地学术讨论会”于10月22日至26日在北京举行。会议期间,来自全国17个省市自治区的百余名代表就中国历代边疆政策、边疆管辖、边疆开发、边疆经济与文化、边疆民族与民族关系、疆域和边界研究概况、近代边界和现代海疆等问题展开了认真的讨论。与会者认为,新时期的中国边疆史地研究必须体现时代精神和符合时代要求,在继承前人研究遗产的基础
十六 “拨乱反正” 粉碎“四人帮”之后,百废待兴。然而废什么,兴什么?怎样废又怎样兴?大家都翘首等待中央的决策。这已经成为一种习惯。揭批“四人帮”,人人拥护,“拨乱反
金瑞,男,2岁零8个月,体重81斤,身高94厘米,头围56厘米,胸围90厘米(见附图)。该儿于1978年5月23日生于湖北省郧县青山 Jinrui, male, 2 years and 8 months, 81 pounds, hei
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