Setdb2 restricts dorsal organizer territory and regulates left-right asymmetry through suppressing f

来源 :Science Foundation in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunjun
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Summarizing research work partly funded by NSFC,Dr.Chen Zhu of State Key Laboratory of Medical Genomics,Shanghai Institute of Hematology,RuiJin Hospital,Shanghai Jiao Tong University and his research team reported on PNAS in February 2010 their research findings on dorsal organizer. According to their paper,dorsal organizer formation is one of the most critical steps in early embryonic development.Several genes and signaling pathways that positively regulate the dorsal organizer development have been identified;however,little is known about the factor(s) that negatively regulates the or- Summarizing research work partly funded by NSFC, Dr. Chen Zhu State Lab Key Laboratory of Medical Genomics, Shanghai Institute of Hematology, RuiJin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University and his research team reported on PNAS in February 2010 their research findings on dorsal organizer. to their paper, dorsal organizer formation is one of the most critical steps in early embryonic development. Sequent genes and signaling pathways that positively regulate the dorsal organizer development have been identified; however, little is known about the factor (s) that negatively regulates the or-
一种外形类似“大哥大”、功能类似“电子眼”的智能型高效深层检测仪将在天津市推广使用,它能在瞬时测查300余种植物的病虫害。 A shape similar to the “big brother”,
通信数据总线控制图如图21所示。保护装置控制图如图22所示。保护装置布置图如图23和图24所示。发动机控制模块线束连接器端子图如图25所示。 Communication data bus contr
3月8日,中国重汽集团泰安工业园特种车项目开工奠基仪式在泰安高新区举行。泰安市委书记、市人大常委会主任杨鲁豫,中国重汽总裁蔡东出席仪式,并共同为项目培土奠基。 On Ma