Period-doubling and chaotic oscillations in the ferroin-catalyzed Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction in a

来源 :Science in China(Series B:Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiexiangjun
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The ferroin-catalyzed Belousov-Zhabotinsky(BZ) reaction,the oxidation of malonic acid by acidic bromate,is the most commonly investigated chemical system for understanding spatial pattern forma-tion. Various oscillatory behaviors were found from such as mixed-mode and simple period-doubling oscillations and chaos on both Pt electrode and Br-ISE at high flow rates to mixed-mode oscillations on Br-ISE only at low flow rates. The complex dynamic behaviors were qualitatively reproduced with a two-cycle coupling model proposed initially by Gy?rgyi and Field. This investigation offered a proper medium for studying pattern formation under complex temporal dynamics. In addition,it also shows that complex oscillations and chaos in the BZ reaction can be extended to other bromate-driven nonlinear reaction systems with different metal catalysts. The iron-catalyzed reaction of Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ), the oxidation of malonic acid by acidic bromate, is the most commonly investigated chemical system for understanding spatial pattern forma- tion. Various oscillatory behaviors were found from such as mixed-mode and simple period -doubling oscillations and chaos on both Pt electrode and Br-ISE at high flow rates to mixed-mode oscillations on Br-ISE only at low flow rates. The complex dynamic behaviors were qualitatively reproduced with a two-cycle coupling model proposed initially by Gy ? rgyi and Field. This investigation offered a proper medium for studying pattern formation under complex temporal dynamics. In addition, it also shows that complex oscillations and chaos in the BZ reaction can be extended to other bromate-driven nonlinear reaction systems with different metal catalysts .
摘 要:通过对60%丁草胺EC100mL加5.16%五氟磺草胺·丁草胺GR进行田间效果比较试验,结果表明:整田时每667m2撒施60%丁草胺EC100mL加田间杂草2~3叶期撒施5.16%五氟磺草胺·丁草胺GR1 000g对田间杂草总体防效达95%以上。  关键词:直播稻;杂草;防效效果;药剂  中图分类号 S435 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1007-7731(2016)01-52-02  水稻
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