The net imports of oil increased by 8.4% in China in 2007, hitting the record of 183.48 million tons (Fig.1). The net imports of crude oil and other oil products including paraffin wax, oil coke, and asphalt increased and balanced out the decrease of the net imports of product oil and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). The net imports of crude oil reached 159.35 million tons, up 14.8%. In 2006, a lot of refining refineries were newly built and expanded,
The net imports of crude oil and other oil products including paraffin wax, oil coke, and asphalt increased and balanced out the decrease of the net imports of product oil and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). The net imports of crude oil reached 159.35 million tons, up 14.8%. In 2006, a lot of refining refineries were newly built and expanded,