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目的了解新疆医疗卫生机构医用辐射防护资源情况,为科学实施医疗机构放射诊疗辐射防护监督管理提供科学依据。方法在全疆6个地区(州、市)抽取51家医疗机构的放射诊疗项目进行调查,分析比较各级医疗机构放射诊疗项目配置情况和辐射防护措施落实情况。结果共调查4类放射诊疗项目214台放射诊疗设备,其中调查放射诊断设备174台、占81.0%,介入放射学设备21台、占10.0%,放射治疗设备13台、占6.0%,核医学设备6台、占3.0%,其中放射诊断学和介入放射学两类设备占调查设备总数的91.0%;固定特殊受检者体位的设备和性腺屏蔽用品配置比例最低、分别占3.4%和5.3%,而铅橡胶围裙配置比例最高为39.0%,放射治疗剂量扫描装置(二维或三维水箱)配置率66.7%;2015年职业健康检查放射工作人员1 781人,正常1 703人、占95.7%,异常78人、占4.3%,未发生职业性放射性疾病确诊病例;放射诊断学、介入放射学、放射治疗学和核医学4类工种放射工作人员职业健康检查异常率,差异无统计学意义(χ2=7.20,P>0.05)。结论全疆放射诊疗机构共开展4种放射诊疗项目、10种检查项目,各级放射诊疗机构的辐射防护用品配置情况总体情况较好,放射工作人员中全年未发生职业性放射性疾病确诊病例;应继续加强放射诊疗设备日常稳定性的检测监督力度。 Objective To understand the medical radiation protection resources of medical and health institutions in Xinjiang and to provide a scientific basis for the scientific implementation of the radiological supervision and administration of medical radiology in medical institutions. Methods Radiological diagnosis and treatment projects of 51 medical institutions were surveyed in 6 regions (prefectures and cities) of Xinjiang Autonomous Region to investigate and compare the implementation of radiation protection measures and the allocation of radiation treatment projects at all levels of medical institutions. Results A total of 214 radiological diagnostic equipment were investigated in 4 types of radiological diagnosis and treatment projects, including 174 radiodiagnostic equipment (81.0%), 21 radiotherapy equipment (10.0%), 13 radiotherapy equipment (6.0%), nuclear medicine equipment 6 sets, accounting for 3.0%, of which radiodiagnosis and interventional radiology accounted for 91.0% of the total number of survey equipment; the proportion of devices and gonadal shielding supplies with fixed special subjects was the lowest, accounting for 3.4% and 5.3% respectively, While the lead rubber aprons configuration ratio was the highest 39.0%, radiotherapy dose scanning device (two-dimensional or three-dimensional water tank) configuration rate of 66.7%; 2015 occupational health examination radioactive staff 1 781, normal 1 703, accounting for 95.7% 78 people, accounting for 4.3%, did not occupationally diagnosed cases of occupational radiation disease; Radiological Diagnostic, Interventional Radiology, Radiation Oncology and Nuclear Medicine 4 kinds of work radiation workers Occupational Health Examination abnormalities, the difference was not statistically significant (χ2 = 7.20, P> 0.05). Conclusions Xinjiang Radiation Clinic conducted 4 kinds of radiological diagnosis and treatment projects and 10 kinds of examination items. The radiation protection equipments at all levels of radiotherapy and treatment institutions were in a good condition, and no radiological diseases were diagnosed in radiation workers in the whole year. Should continue to strengthen the daily stability of radiotherapy equipment testing and supervision efforts.
目的分析掌握手足口病流行规律,为“十三五”手足口病预防控制措施制定提供依据。方法应用描述流行病学和统计推断方法进行分析。结果 2011~2015年漯河市共报告手足口病10154
调查2011~2015年中国宁夏银川地区男男性行为人群MSM(Men who have sex with men,MSM)HIV-1感染率和新发感染率的变化趋势,为高危特殊人群干预防治提供科学策略。2011~2015年