
来源 :河北教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiangwang111
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党的十一届三中全会以来,我省初中教育得到较大发展和提高。但从总体上看,初中教育仍然是我省基础教育中的薄弱环节。为落实党的十四大和《中国教育改革和发展纲要》(以下简称《纲要》)提出的到本世纪末基本普及九年义务教育的历史任务,进一步加强初中建设和改革,特提出如下意见: 一、落实办学责任 (1)初中教育属义务教育,办好初中是各级政府的责任。在城市(指省辖市,下同),初中办学体制逐步由目前的市办过渡到区办。在农村,县、乡两级政府负主要责任,农村初中由乡来办。县(市、区)政府要把发展初中教育作为普及九年义务教育的重要任务,列为县、乡政府领导任期目标责任制,并将初中建设的目标分解到各年度,作为考核县、乡政府主要领导政绩的重要内容。 Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Party Central Committee, junior high school education in our province has been greatly developed and improved. However, on the whole, junior high school education is still a weak link in basic education in our province. In order to implement the party’s 14th National Congress and the “Outline for China’s Education Reform and Development” (hereinafter referred to as the “Outline”), the historical task of basically popularizing nine-year compulsory education by the end of this century, and further strengthening junior high school construction and reforms, we hereby make the following observations: Responsibility for running schools (1) Junior high school education is compulsory education. It is the responsibility of all levels of government to run junior high schools well. In cities (referring to provincial cities, the same below), the junior high school education system gradually transitions from the current municipal office to the district office. In rural areas, the county and township governments bear the main responsibility, and rural junior high schools come from townships. The county (city, district) government should regard the development of junior secondary education as an important task for popularizing nine-year compulsory education as a target responsibility system for the leadership of county and township governments, and decompose the goals of junior high school construction into various years as assessments of counties and townships. The important content of the government’s main leadership achievements.
临渊羡渔,不如退而结网 提到教学研究,常有教师对我说:“教学研究是必要的,就是不知道从何研起。”抱有这种想法的人在农村中学居多。这种想法说怪不怪,原因有三:1.相对地说
一、导语设计 同学们,当今科技发展日新月异,知识增长突飞猛进,各种书籍汗牛充栋,面对如此浩瀚的书海,想找到自己所需的资料确实有如大海捞针。那么,有什么办法能快捷地找到
近年来,中学语文课本经过修订,按单元编排教学系列,为形成语文教学的科学体系提供示例,并将课文分为“讲读、课内自读、课外自读”三类,强调培养学生的能力。 单元教学是时
(2)用电脑文件提高语文复习效果。 语文复习课,常常会遇到需要利用较多容量的文字信息这样的问题。而用电脑编制这方面的复习材料,在课堂上,借助于电脑或幻灯机,就可以加大