
来源 :青岛画报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:willa81
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天地山川钟灵毓秀,在古人看来,杰出人才的出现,必关乎其所处之地的地气人文,若文化落后之地突然出现一位人才,则被称为“破天荒”。当然这种情况十分罕见。作为孔、孟的故乡,山东历来被视为中国文化的圣地,传统积淀深厚之至,可谓人文荟萃,名家辈出,即以绘画而论,隋之展子虔,宋之李成、张择端、梁楷,皆为彪炳千古的巨匠。但随着中国文化重心的逐步南移,宋代之后,山东画坛稍显寂寥,除了清代扬州八怪之一高凤翰,其余似乎乏善可陈。近代以来情况有所改变,涌现出郭味蕖、李苦禅、俞剑华、崔子范等一批大家。与此同时,由于20世纪中国特殊的社会文化生态,有相当一批学养深厚、技艺精湛的传统派画家长期埋没草野,少为人知,典型者如江西之黄秋园、四川之陈子庄、江西之陶博吾、天津之梁崎。考察其所处地域,我们可以发现,他们无一例外,几乎全部出自文化积淀深厚之地。近年逐渐为画坛所瞩目,出自山东的张伏山先生再次印证了这一点。 In the view of the ancients, the appearance of outstanding talents must be related to the geography and culture of the place where it is located. If there is a sudden emergence of a talent in the backward places of culture, it will be called “unprecedented”. Of course, this situation is very rare. As the hometown of Confucius and Mencius, Shandong has always been regarded as the sacred place of Chinese culture. With its rich traditional tradition, Shandong boasts a large number of famous artists. In terms of painting, Sui’s show devotion, Li Cheng, Zhang Zhi Duan, Liang Kai, Kai all ages to master. However, with the gradual southward shift of the center of Chinese culture, after the Song Dynasty, the Shandong painting scene was slightly lonely. Apart from Gao Fenghan, one of the eight strangers in Yangzhou in the Qing Dynasty, the rest seemed to be lackluster. The situation has changed in modern times, emerged Guo Wei 蕖, Li Kuchan, Yu Jianhua, Cui Zifan and a number of others. At the same time, due to the special social and cultural ecology of China in the 20th century, quite a number of traditional school painters with deep learning and superb skills have long been buried in grassland and little known. Typical examples are Huangqiuyuan in Jiangxi, Chenzizhuang in Sichuan, Taobowu in Jiangxi, Tianjin Liangqi. Inspecting the area in which they are located, we can find that almost all of them came from the deep cultural heritage. In recent years, gradually attracted attention of the painting circles, Zhang Fu-shan from Shandong once again confirmed this point.