Sustaining the Planet for our Future Generations

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  In the digital age and present context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), we often hear about “big data” and the “Internet of Things (IOT),” which to some, may sound highly technical and virtually digital. While Thailand is fully aware of the opportunities and challenges that come with modernity, we also seek an all-encompassing human dimension of inclusive development, particularly during our year as ASEAN Chair. This is why we came up with the theme “Advancing Partnership for Sustainability,” to promote the “Sustainability of Things (SOT),” which means sustainability in all dimensions.
  Sustainable development is an overarching concept that is directly related to SOT. However, the first aspect of sustainability that usually comes to mind of the public is environmental sustainability, which is a significant component of the concept and part of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development or SDGs. These 17 SDGs are simply grouped into 5Ps with the ultimate goal to save the planet, foster peace, create prosperity, enhance partnership, and nourish our people.
  With regard to the “planet”, fresh air and clean water are among the basic yet fundamental essentials for human beings and all other creatures that share this world with us. Sadly, Mother Earth has been harmed and taken for granted by humans more than anyone else throughout history. The fact that several SDGs give importance to the rehabilitation and conservation of our planet reflects the rising environmental concerns and the call for a more balanced development, widely known as the concept of “circular economy”, which is gaining ground globally.
  Thailand recognises that enhancing environmental sustainability is inextricably linked to social and economic development, and is one of the key conditions for sustainable development. We have therefore adopted measures to conserve, restore, and manage our natural resources and environment in a more sustainable manner, and included these elements in our 20-Year National Strategy Framework (2017-2036).
  For instance, Thailand has launched the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Roadmap on Mitigation (2021-2030) to ensure that we meet our targets on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 20 to 25% by 2030. Some progress has been made so far. Last year, we managed to reduce the emission of 45.72 million tonnes of carbon dioxide or 12% of the targeted 7%-20% by 2020. Moreover, about 24 hectares of coral reefs and 880 hectares of mangrove forest were rehabilitated, and the use of over 435 million plastic bags was reduced since 2017.   Beyond our national undertaking, Thailand has consistently advocated cooperation on environmental issues with the global community to derive the long-term benefits. An example is our firm commitment to the Paris Agreement to address climate change. At the same time, Thailand has been cooperating with all partners on the exchange of knowledge, experiences, and best practices.
  Sustainable development is a global agenda that requires concerted efforts, and Thailand is in the position to drive it forward this year. In addition to being ASEAN Chair, Thailand is also ASEAN Coordinator on Sustainable Development Cooperation, actively identifying the complementarities and promoting closer coordination between ASEAN and the United Nations. One substantial outcome is the Complementarities between the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: A Framework for Action which identifies possible synergy and means to strengthen ASEAN Community-building while attaining several SDGs simultaneously.
  A recommendation from the Complementarities Report that will be realized fully this year is the establishment of the ASEAN Centre for Sustainable Development Studies and Dialogue in Thailand. The Centre will be funded by the Royal Thai Government and will help coordinate activities and projects related to the Complementarities Initiative, while linking up with similar centres in ASEAN Member States to form a network of centres in support of regional sustainable development efforts.
  During its ASEAN Chairmanship, one of the sustainable development agendas that will be addressed is marine environment. Thailand is greatly concerned with the problem of marine debris and its impact on the environment. We truly believe that urgent action is needed. Researchers have found a marine debris or “garbage patch” in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with a size larger than Bangkok. This debris is eaten by fish, which is then consumed by humans, thus causing severe health problems. News reports of sea animals like whales and turtles suffering from eating indigestible waste are only a fraction of the annual 100,000 deaths of marine animals due to this problem. In addition, marine debris affects the promotion of environmentally friendly tourism and thus affects the contribution of the tourism sector to national development.
  A research by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Thailand found that rubbish that is thrown into the sea can travel all over the world. It is therefore imperative that we have a platform for discussions and collaboration to tackle the problem. A technical working group meeting among ASEAN members was held in November 2017 while the Special ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Marine Debris and ASEM High-level Meeting on Marine Sustainability will be held on 5 March 2019 and 7-8 March 2019, respectively. Thus, Thailand is advancing partnership for sustainability by starting with environmental sustainability, and will expand to other areas throughout the year.   The benefits of sustainable development are countless but each country should embark on its own path and determination to achieve the goals. In Thailand’s case, the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) was adopted as its home-grown approach. This philosophy, conferred by His Majesty the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej, proposes a “thinking process” consisting of three parts - analysis on the cause of the problem, identification of practical solutions, and the implementation of the selected solutions.
  SEP is mainstreamed in Thailand’s policy both at the national and international levels. It has been a guiding principle in Thailand’s National Economic and Social Development Plans since 2002 and its application to achieve sustainable development. Thailand has shared this philosophy with many countries as an alternative approach to achieving SDGs through the provision of training courses and the establishment of several cooperation projects in Asia and Africa.
  In conclusion, Thailand’s commitment towards sustainable development is steadfast as demonstrated in our past achievements and contributions nationally and internationally. We are committed to do more. The agenda will be particularly important during our ASEAN Chairmanship and Thailand looks forward to working with colleagues in ASEAN and beyond in a global partnership as set forth in SDG Goal 17.
第三方市场合作,主要是指中国与有关发达国家一起开发作为第三方的发展中国家市场。尽管“第三方市场合作”这一表述已多次出现在中国高层的演讲词和外交文件当中,然而在2019年的中国两会政府工作报告里,把拓展第三方市场合作纳入到推动共建“一带一路”的内容中,却还是首次。  第二届“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛举办在即。实践已然证明,第三方市场合作符合建设“一带一路”实现合作共赢的根本要求,有助于提高相关国家
农历春节不仅是中国的传统节日,在柬埔寨、印尼、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国等东盟国家以及全球华人社区当中,农历春节也是一年中最重要的节庆之一  图1:农历新年前夕,在印尼北苏门答腊省棉兰的Pak Pie Hut Cou寺举行庆祝活动期间,烟花照亮了天空  图2:2月5日,菲律宾马尼拉华人街,春节游行队伍中的几名演员在表演“喷火”绝技  图3:2月6日,泰国民众将舞狮搬到了“空中”——曼谷新地标王
如果说中国—东盟大企业间的合作是一种位于塔尖者的“强强联合”,那么双方中小企业间的合作则更像是“草根们”的“抱团生长”。虽说中小企业间的合作不像大企业间的合作这般兴师动众、引人注目,但鉴于东盟国家数量庞大的中小企业,以及东盟各国对中小企业发展的高度重视,中国—东盟积极推动中小企业间的合作,在许多人看来才更接地气、更惠民生、更稳基础。  在2018年11月通过的《中国—东盟战略伙伴关系2030年愿景
越南岘港市加大对高科技领域的招商引资力度  越南岘港市人民委员会副主席胡奇明表示,2019年,岘港市将集中加大对信息技术、高科技工业、辅助工业、优质服务、贸易、旅游、物流业、医疗卫生、教育、高科技农业等领域的招商引资力度。岘港市还为各企业的投资活动提供协助,进一步改革行政审批制度,减少手续办理的成本和时间,为企业创造便利条件。  此外,岘港市将建立数据库以服务投资促进活动,并完善基础设施建设,为从
“这里有更多人想变成马云,而想变成扎克伯格的人很少。”在东南亚的创业圈中,流传着这样一种说法。正如10年前,中国想要往硅谷的方向去发展那样,如今,当电子商务热潮在东南亚以烽火燎原之势迅速燃起时,许多企业家也希望像马云那样,通过接轨电商打开国际市场的大门。  对于这一变化,东南亚中小企业的感受可以说尤为强烈。近年来,随着互联网在东盟各国的迅速普及,越来越多中小企业开始思考如何接轨电商;如何通过新模式
2019年初,中共中央、国务院印发了《粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要》(以下简称《纲要》),其中,“海洋经济” 这一概念被单独拿出来作为一节进行规划。海洋、开放和国际化的基因,令粤港澳大湾区的建设被业界认为是中国改革开放以来第三次向海发展的主要抓手之一。  在粤港澳大湾区的西面,作为广西“向海经济”主战场的北部湾经济区,正不断释放出海的潜力。传统海洋产业转型升级加快,向海经济从耕海牧渔走向经略海洋,陆海
Although the epidemic sweeping the world has forced the logistics corridors in many regions to pause, the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor under the China-Singapore (Chongqing) Demonstration
2018年,注定是不平凡的一年。有经济学者说,2018年的全球经济表面上“繁荣靓丽”,实则“暗流涌动”。单边主义、保护主义抬头,对当前国际政治经济秩序构成严重挑战,地缘政治斗争依然紧张……无怪乎有人说,2018年也许是过去10年最差的一年,但也可能是未来10年最好的一年。  即便如此,中国的经济发展仍取得了可圈可点的成绩。总的来看,2018年国民经济继续运行在合理区间,实现了总体平稳、稳中有进。不
在中国南宁航洋国际城5楼的钦州保税港进口商品直营店的货架上,摆满了来自世界各地的“舶来品”,人们从中可以找到白咖啡、乳胶枕、榴莲酒、水果干、果冻、特色膨化小零食等地道的“东盟制造”。  这些产品的货主不是大型跨国贸易商,而是东盟国家的许多中小企业。东盟中小企业在东盟国家商业生态中占据非常大的比重,但在过去,他们在海外市场的竞争中时常有心无力。  如今站在中国—东盟中小企业贸易促进平台(CASTPP
无论是发展中国家还是发达国家,都正面临或曾经历过中小企业融资难的问题。尤其是在2008年金融危机之后,贸易保护主义泛起,企业出口受阻,生产成本上升,中小企业融资难的问题更加凸显。  对于近年来互联网实现了跨越式发展的东南亚来说,随着政府增加了对中小企业和金融科技公司的支持,银行和其他金融机构合作的深化,各方携手应对数字经济时代新形势,帮助东南亚中小企业实现其最大的增长潜力,将是非常有意义的。  中