Planting Hopes Yielding the Future

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Following the publication of this issue, China Civil Aviation has passed through a whole year.tAt the threshold of the new century a year ago, Civil Aviation Economics and Technology, which had had more than 20 years in its history of publication and play Following the publication of this issue, China Civil Aviation has passed through a whole year. TAt the threshold of the new century a year ago, Civil Aviation Economics and Technology, which had had more than 20 years in its history of publication and play
Sep. 4 China Southwest took the delivery of the second B737-600, which helped to replenish the airlines capacity for its National Day's flight plan. Sep. 5 Chin
Sept. 3 Boeing launches online air-craft repair service.Sept. 5 American Airlines says thatit will expand its marketing alliance withTAM Brazilian Airlines with
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15日 我国“十五”期间将投资3500亿元用于铁 路建设。投资规模和新修铁路数均超过“九五”水平,创 历史最高记录。根据这一计划,将投资2700亿元,用于 建设铁路路网。“八纵
交通工程 国家“九五”重点建设项目哈(尔滨)大(连)电气化铁路沈阳至哈尔滨段8月18日正式开通,这段电气化铁路全程600公里,是我国东北地区建成的第一条电气化铁路。开通后铁路