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近日,笔者遇见一个刚迈入职场,正在实习的职校毕业生,她小名叫菲菲。她说她遇到了一个难题。进公司实习前,父母给她上了一堂课,母亲告诉她,刚进单位资历浅,对同事要客气、尊重地称呼为“老师”;父亲,一副过来人的样子:“当年我在工厂当学徒,我对师傅是非常恭敬的!”可是,在这家公司已经呆了三年的一位师姐,她的说法恰好相反——最好直呼其名。师姐说她当初刚来试用时,就是按照家长的教导,喊老同事是老师,年龄差不多大的是哥哥姐姐,反倒把大家弄得很尴尬。师姐说:“师傅、老师都是过时的叫法,现在,我们同事之间都是直呼其名。”其他人给出的说法,更是五花八门:老总、头儿、老大、同志、小姐!菲菲简直无所适从。 Recently, I met a just entered the workplace, is an intern vocational school graduates, her small name Fifi. She said she encountered a problem. Before entering the company internship, the parents gave her a lesson, the mother told her that the newly admitted junior qualifications, polite colleagues, respectfully referred to as the “teacher”; father, a man over: “ Apprentice in the factory, I am very respectful to the teacher! ”However, in this company has been a Sister for three years, she said the opposite - the best name to address him. Sister said she had just come to trial, that is, in accordance with the guidance of parents, shouting old colleague is a teacher, almost older brother and sister, on the contrary made everyone embarrassed. Sister said: “The teacher, the teacher is outdated name, now, between our colleagues are the name of their own. ” The views given by others, but also varied: CEO, head, boss, gay, Faye, Fifi is at a loss.
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