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恰似天方夜潭式的神话人物,人们认为美国的图书馆员们似乎无政治观点,他们如此虔诚,孜孜不倦地促进其自身的专业化,全心全意地服务于图书馆事业。然而,在现实中,美国的任何图书馆员却都不是“神”,都有其固有的政治文化“烙记”,反映于图书馆员的理论和实践之中。一、不问政治和钻研业务: 十九世纪下半叶,图书馆员们曾不遗余力地促进其自身的专业化,不依附于任何政党的偏见,不卷入任何党派纠纷。比如,1889年,查尔斯·柯特(Charles Cuttcr)就任美国图书馆协会的主席时声称“图书馆员不结党营私。图书馆员乐意帮助任何读者,就像医生医治任何病人那样”。虽然,进步的图 Just like the Mythical Night-Lake Mythology, the librarians in the United States seem to think that there is no political point of view. They are so devout and tireless in promoting their own specialization and serving the cause of the library with all their heart and soul. However, in reality, any librarian in the United States is not a “god,” and all have their inherent “branding” of political culture, which is reflected in the theory and practice of librarians. I. Politics and Research: In the second half of the 19th century, librarians spared no effort to promote their own specialization, without prejudice to the prejudices of any political party and not being involved in any partisan dispute. For example, in 1889 Charles Cuttcr, chairman of the American Library Association, claimed that “librarians are uninterested and librarians are happy to help any reader, just as a doctor treats any patient.” Although, the picture of progress
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As a core member of the Hippo signaling pathway,Hpo plays a critical role in regulating growth and development.Previous studies reported that loss of function o
The physiological functions of insect foregut,especially in xenobiotic detoxification,are scarcely reported because of unimportance in appearance and insufficie
枳(Poncirus trifoliata(L.)Raf.)是重要的柑橘砧木,具有较强的抗寒性,故常作为抗寒研究的重要材料。AP2/ERF是植物系统特有的一类转录因子大家族,越来越多的研究表明该家族
The diamondback moth,Plutella xylostella (L.),uses sulfatases (SULF) to counteract the glucosinolate-myrosinase defensive system that cruciferous plants have ev