中國共產黨湖南省委員會關於集中力量領導與組織春耕的指示 一九五○年四月十四日

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全省減租迟押運動已在大部地區展開,部分地區尚不澈底或尚未發動,為不違農時,各地必須立即把工作中心轉到領導與組織農民春耕生產。春耕的好壞是决定秋季收穫的關鍵,而秋季收穫的好壞是全省人民避免明年災荒,保證民食,保證國家财政收入的關鍵。而春耕能否做好,又取决於我們能否迅速轉移中心,抓紧春耕的紐織與領導工作。由於全國勝利、減租退押,準備實行土地改革以及人民政府採取各種貸款、救濟、獎勵生產、發動生產的措施,農民 The province’s late-night rent reduction campaign has been started in most areas. In some areas, it is still not complete or has yet to be launched. In order to prevent non-performance of agriculture, all localities must immediately shift their work centers to leading and organizing peasant spring production. The quality of spring plowing is the key to determining the harvest in autumn. The quality of autumn harvest is the key to saving the entire province from next year’s famine, ensuring people’s food and ensuring the state’s revenue. Whether spring plowing can be done or not depends on whether we can quickly relocate the center and pay close attention to the organization and leadership of the spring plowing. As a result of the victory of the whole country, the reduction of rent and repossession, the preparation for the implementation of the land reform and the adoption by the people’s government of various loans, the relief, the reward of production and the launching of measures for production, the peasants
小学语文走创新教育之路,首先要体现面向全体学生,注重因材施教,使学生生动、活泼、主动地发展。 Primary language to take the road of innovation and education, we mus
本文收集我院自1999年以来,住院确诊的59例酒精性肝硬化患者临床资料,对其临床特点分析如下: 1 材料与方法 1.1 一般资料:1999年1月-2001年2月,我院共收治59例酒精性肝硬化
In this paper, a mechanism of bi-directional proxy is proposed, which supports authentication based on identity, and endue different users with different networ