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我从前在河北和甘肃久为省政府主席于学忠的幕僚,于学忠是由毅军出身,闲来的时候,时常喜欢谈谈毅军的掌故,我听之既久,于是对毅军沿革也知道了很多。就是他久所统率的陆军第51军(国民党政府中央陆军番号),探本溯源,也可以说是毅军旧部,现在把它写出来,以供后之编史者参考。毅军始创于宋庆。宋庆是山东蓬莱人,前清同治初元在安徽省亳州做练长。那时捻军声势很盛,这些地方军队的任务都是在那里防捻。宋庆最初统带的是捻军投降的孙之友的部众,宋庆把它号为奇胜营:同治四年(1865年),唐训方做安徽巡抚,裁撤 I used to be a chief of Yu Xuezhong, the chairman of the provincial government in Hebei and Gansu. Yu Xuezhong was born from the Yi army. When I was busy, I often liked to talk about the reign of the Yi army. I listened for so long, History also know a lot. It is the 51st army (the Central Government of the Kuomintang government) under his command of the army for a long time. Probing can be said to be the old ministry of the Yi army, and now it is written out for later reference by historians. Yi army was founded in Song Qing. Song Qing Penglai Shandong people, the early Qing Emperor Tongzhi doing exercises in Bozhou, Anhui Province. At that time, the twist army flourished and the task of these local armies was to prevent twisting there. Song Qing initially belonged to the generals of Sun Zhiyou, who surrendered the Nien army. Song Qing took it as the odd wins camp. In the four years of Tongzhi (1865), Tang Xunfang was the governor of Anhui and abolished
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《波希米亚六年》作者:张雍出版:田园城市(台湾)查询:榆林书店(852-2388 8684)《在路上》和《达摩流浪者》再怎么流行,还是不够。多数人的生命仍似按部就班的清单:学校毕业,
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