理顺四种关系 做好党的工作

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一、维护厂长负责制,理顺书记与厂长的关系书记和厂长是企业里党政两个“一把手”,两个“一把手”的关系理顺了,团结搞好了,就能为整个班子的团结确定主旋律。我是1990年开始做党委书记工作的。从当书记的第一天起,就意识到了这个问题的重要性,并且在实践中注意从党性原则出发,摆正自己的位置。第一,厂长有威信,企业好管理。厂长是一厂之长,是指挥生产建设的权威。实践证明,厂长威信高不高,权威性强不强,对企业的生产经营至关重要。因此,维护厂长的权威性,帮助厂长树立威信,是一个党委书记应尽的义务。我在实际工作中,比较注意这一点。不论大事小事,只要厂长说得对,我就充分肯定,积极支持。有时,厂长的意见有不妥之处,我也不当面否定,而是用商量的口气与厂长交换意见。总之,不把自己摆在纠正厂长错误的“救世主”的位置 I. Maintaining the responsibility system of the factory director and rationalizing the relationship between the secretary and the factory manager The secretary and factory manager are the two top leaders in the enterprise. The relations between the two top leaders are straightened out. The unity of the entire team to determine the main theme. I started to work as party secretary in 1990. As from the first day of the secretary, he realized the importance of this issue and, in practice, he paid attention to starting from the principle of party spirit and setting his own position. First, the director has prestige, business management. Factory director is a director, is the command of the authority of production and construction. Practice has proved that the factory manager prestige is not high, the authority is not strong, the production and operation of enterprises is essential. Therefore, to maintain the authority of the factory director and help the factory manager to establish the prestige, it is a party committee secretary’s obligation. In practical work, I pay more attention to this point. Regardless of major events, as long as the director is right, I fully affirmed and actively supported. Sometimes, the factory manager’s advice is flawed. I did not deny this. Instead, I exchanged views with the factory manager on a consultation basis. In short, do not put yourself in the wrong place to correct the director’s “savior.”
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