
来源 :福建医药杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alimamaai
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为了解尿石症在我县的发病情况,本文以1975~1982年204例经X线摄片确诊的病例及180例有典型肾绞痛,疑为尿石症的住院病人作一报道。一、临床资料:本组384例,确诊尿石症者204例,有典型肾绞痛而未能确诊者180例。这些未能明确诊断的病例,与X线投照条件、摄片范围、摄片质量、肠道准备及医务人员对本病的系统认识程度有关。确诊的204例,首次发病住院者61例,发病半年以内住院者38例,发病1至3年的52例,3年以上的29例,5年以上的17例,10年以上的7例。误诊病种有肾炎、肾盂肾炎、肾盂炎、膀胱炎、风湿病、伤寒、胸膜炎、慢性阑尾炎、慢性肝炎、腰肌劳损、椎间盘突出症、脱肛等。确诊的204例中,男165例,女39例;年龄最小者12个月,最大者76岁;男性上尿路结石77例,下尿路结石88例,女性上尿路结石28例, In order to understand the incidence of urolithiasis in our county, this paper reports 204 cases confirmed by radiography from 1975 to 1982 and 180 inpatients with typical renal colic and suspected urolithiasis. First, the clinical data: This group of 384 cases, 204 cases of confirmed urolithiasis, there are 180 cases of typical renal colic who failed to confirm. These failed to confirm the diagnosis of the case, and X-ray cast conditions, the scope of the film, the quality of the film, intestinal preparation and medical staff on the degree of systematic understanding of the disease. Of the 204 cases diagnosed, 61 were hospitalized for the first time, 38 were hospitalized within 6 months after onset, 52 were diagnosed within 1 to 3 years, 29 were over 3 years, 17 were over 5 years and 7 were over 10 years. Misdiagnosed diseases are nephritis, pyelonephritis, pyelitis, cystitis, rheumatism, typhoid fever, pleurisy, chronic appendicitis, chronic hepatitis, lumbar muscle strain, disc herniation, prolapse and so on. 204 cases were diagnosed, 165 males and 39 females; the youngest of 12 months, the largest of 76 years; 77 cases of upper urinary tract stones in men, 88 cases of lower urinary tract stones, 28 cases of upper urinary tract stones in women,
一、浸洗法。浸洗法是在鱼种放养前 ,用 2 .5%食盐水浸洗 1 0~ 1 5分钟或用 5%食盐水浸洗鱼体 5分钟对鱼体进行消毒 ,以防止将病原体带入池中 ,同时还可增强鱼的抗病能力 ,提
上网购书时,发现有人强力推荐《当幸福来敲门》(The Pursuit of Happyness1),我点击简介,方知该书已获得诸多光环:荣登2009年《纽约时报》畅销排行榜第一名;同名电影获金球奖
【做人的难处】有钱吧,说你准变坏,没钱吧,说你真失败;有成就吧,说你会投机;没成就吧,说你没出息;有情人吧,说你真坏;没情人吧,说你变态。 【Difficulty of being a human b
梁平是一个养殖产量占绝对地位的渔业生产县 ,其养殖水域生态环境的好坏直接影响到渔业产量和效益。前几年 ,由于养鱼户急功近利 ,追求短期经济效益 ,水库中网箱设置过密、化
尿道成形术方法颇多,我们采用带蒂阴囊正中皮瓣治疗尿道下裂及前尿道广泛性狭窄10例,全部随访,获满意效果。现报告如下: 手术方法一、尿道下裂修复术 1.阴茎伸直,矫正下曲。
1 1
二次根式a2的化简,综合了多方面的基础知识,因此解决这类问题学生感到较困难.若能按下列二个步骤,抓住一个关键,也许就得心应手了:(1)将被开方数配方; The simplification o