Application of Highly Efficient Microbial Agent in Pig Manure Compost

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[Objective] The aim of this study was to develop a cheap and localized microbial agent so as to solve high cost of microbial agent for pig manure composting in Jiaxing City. [Method] Pig manure in the experimental group and control group was inoculated with the self-developed microbial agent and commercial microbial agent, respectively. The manure was decomposed for 38 d, during which the indicators of compost including physical properties, temperature, pH value, water content, organic matter, dissolved nitrogen, carbon nitrogen ratio and germination rate were studied. [Result] The water content in the experimental group declined to 26.10% after 33 d of compost, meeting the standard upper limitation of 30% for maturity. By comparison, the water content in the control group was slightly higher than 30% even after 38 d. The germination rate of seeds fertilized with the experimental manure compost met the standard for maturity on Day 28, while that in the control group met the standard for maturity on Day 35. When the composting was finished, the ratio of total carbon to total nitrogen in the pig manure was 14.64 and 16.43 respectively in the experimental and control group, and the organic matter content was about 45% for both. All these indexes could meet the standards for organic fertilizer products. [Conclusion] The self-developed microbial agent can meet the requirements for pig manure composting, and it can shorten the composting time by 5-8 d compared with the commercial agent. In addition, the fertilizer product composted by the self-developed microbial agent has lower water content and thereby is much more beneficial for preservation. [Objective] The aim of this study was to develop a cheap and localized microbial agent so as to solve high cost of microbial agent for pig manure composting in Jiaxing City. [Method] Pig manure in the experimental group and control group was inoculated with the self-developed microbial agent and commercial microbial agent, respectively. The manure was decomposed for 38 d, during which the indicators of compost including physical properties, temperature, pH value, water content, organic matter, dissolved nitrogen, carbon nitrogen ratio and germination rate were studied. [Result] The water content in the experimental group was reduced to 26.10% after 33 d of compost, meeting the standard upper limitation of 30% for maturity. By comparison, the water content in the control group was slightly higher than 30% even after 38 d. The germination rate of seeds fertilized with the experimental manure compost met the standard for maturity on Day 28, while that in the control group met the standard fo r maturity on Day 35. When the composting was finished, the ratio of total carbon to total nitrogen in the pig manure was 14.64 and 16.43 in the experimental and control group, and the organic matter content was about 45% for both. Summary could have been the standards for organic fertilizer products. [Conclusion] The self-developed microbial agent can meet the requirements for pig manure composting, and it can shorten the composting time by 5-8 d compared with the commercial agent. fertilizer product composted by the self-developed microbial agent has lower water content and therefore is much more for for preservation.
品读古诗,常为诗句中意蕴各别的“独”字而发出由衷的感叹。    一、抒写感时伤世的忧情    诗人们才华横溢,却大多怀才不遇。他们关注国家危亡、时代变迁,常将满腹忧愤化作沉郁诗篇。被郭沫若盛赞为“世上疮痍诗中圣哲,民间疾苦笔底波澜”的大诗人杜甫,便是一个极好的代表。他在《登高》一诗中写道:“万里悲秋常作客,百年多病独登台。”将时令季节、个人身世与国家命运融为一体,抒发其沉郁悲凉之情,感人至深。白居
摘 要:鲁迅创作的《故事新编》,其叙述结构、表现手法等方面都与戏剧相类似,体现出鲁迅对戏剧文体的熟练运用,可称为戏剧体小说。鲁迅尽管没有以戏剧的文体进行过创作,但已经把戏剧文体融会贯通到他的小说写法中,并且,其对戏剧体的理解已经超出西方传统话剧的一般结构,更接近当代的先锋实验话剧。鲁迅对戏剧的理解和领悟在当时是相当超前的。  关键词:《故事新编》 戏剧 先锋  鲁迅《故事新编》收录的八篇小说都是把