Alternating deposition multilayer films of dendrimers/poly(4-vinylpyridine) based on hydrogen bondin

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Layer-by-layer (LbL) assembly technique has beenan important method for constructing layered nanostruc-tural materials[1—4]. Although the electrostatic interactionis the primary driving force for building LbL multilayers,our group[5] and other group[6] h Layer-by-layer (LbL) assembly technique has been important method for constructing layered nanostruc-tural materials [1-4]. Although the electrostatic interactionis the primary driving force for building LbL multilayers, our group [5] and other groups [6 ] h
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
杨树烂皮病为害杨属各个种,分布普遍。是苗圃和幼林的重要病害之一,也是成年树枝枯的主要原因。我国杨树烂皮病病原菌过去的报导是Valsa sordida Nit.北京地区引起杨树烂皮
经过紧张筹备,第八届中艺博国际画廊博览会预展(CIGE 2011)于2011年4月20日在北京国际贸易中心展厅举办,近千幅作品亮相。此次博览会共甄选60家优秀画廊,以本土为主,兼顾国际
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