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会计电算化研究组自建立以来,主要开展了以下几个方面的工作: 一、1988年8月在吉林市召开了会计电算化学术讨论会。会议重点就会计软件的通用化和电算化会计规范问题进行了讨论。会上交流了开发通用化会计软件的经验,讨论了实现会计软件通用化的途径和方法,并讨论通过了关于电算化会计系统规范问题的建议书,建议财政部制定有关电算化会计的各项规章制度。二、举办了多层次多形式的会计电算化培训班,培养专业人才,推动会计电算化工作的开展。三、参与或承担了有关单位会计软件的开发和技术鉴定工作。通过前一段的工作,我们认为我国当前会计电算化工作主要有以下特点:(1)会计电算化软件的开发。从单项向系统化发展;(2)在硬件方面,从单机应用向网络化发展;(3)会计软件的研制、开展,从单纯的数据处理向管理控制和预测、决策系统发展;(4)一部分会 Since its establishment, the Accounting Computerization Research Group has mainly carried out the following work: 1. In August 1988, an accounting computerization seminar was held in Jilin City. The meeting focused on accounting software commonality and computerized accounting standards were discussed. At the meeting, he shared the experience of developing generalized accounting software, discussed ways and means of realizing generalization of accounting software, and discussed and approved the proposal on the standardization of computerized accounting system. He suggested that the Ministry of Finance should formulate the guidelines on computerized accounting Various rules and regulations. Second, we organized a multi-level and multi-modal accounting computerization training program to train professionals and promote the development of computerized accounting. Third, to participate in or assume the unit accounting software development and technical appraisal. Through the previous period of work, we believe that the current accounting computerization in our country has the following main features: (1) Development of computerized accounting software. From single to systematic development; (2) in terms of hardware, from single application to the network development; (3) accounting software development, development, from simple data processing to management control and forecasting, decision system development; (4) Part of the meeting
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