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1最开始,我还不懂得忧伤和欢乐,愤怒与平和。一把缺了刃的西瓜刀,一个印着鲜艳红牡丹的旧洋瓷盆,就把我头颈下面的躯体搭建了起来。李小树毫无耐心,没有再雕刻下去的欲望,我挺着滚圆的腹站在风雪旷野,院子西边的竹林偶尔传来清脆的“啪、啪”声。我还没有头,肩膀也显得过于粗糙,就更不要说脸和眼睛反映出来的内心世界了。作为一个十岁的小姑娘,我不得不为李小树的想象力咋舌(其实我还没有舌头),她用外婆炒 1 At first, I did not know sadness and joy, anger and peace. A knife-cut watermelon knife, an old porcelain pot with bright red peonies, built the body beneath my head and neck. Li Xiaochu no impatience, there is no desire to carve down, I am standing round the belly standing in the snowy wilderness, the courtyard of the bamboo forests occasionally came crisp “pop, snap ” sound. I have not got my head yet my shoulder is too rough, not to mention the inner world reflected in my face and my eyes. As a ten-year-old girl, I had to be speechless for Li’s imagination (in fact, I have no tongue), she used grandma fried
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