SEIR-SW, Simulation Model of Influenza Spread Based on the Small World Network

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tengjun1008
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This study modeled the spread of an influenza epidemic in the population of Oran, Algeria. We investigated the mathematical epidemic model, SEIR(Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Removed), through extensive simulations of the effects of social network on epidemic spread in a Small World(SW) network, to understand how an influenza epidemic spreads through a human population. A combined SEIR-SW model was built, to help understand the dynamics of infectious disease in a community, and to identify the main characteristics of epidemic transmission and its evolution over time. The model was also used to examine social network effects to better understand the topological structure of social contact and the impact of its properties. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the combined SEIR-SW model. Simulation results were analyzed to explore how network evolution influences the spread of desease, and statistical tests were applied to validate the model. The model accurately replicated the dynamic behavior of the real influenza epidemic data, confirming that the susceptible size and topological structure of social networks in a human population significantly influence the spread of infectious diseases. Our model can provide health policy decision makers with a better understanding of epidemic spread,allowing them to implement control measures. It also provides an early warning of the emergence of influenza epidemics. This study modeled the spread of an influenza epidemic in the population of Oran, Algeria. We investigated the mathematical epidemic model, SEIR (Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Removed), through extensive simulations of the effects of social network on epidemic spread in a Small A combined SEIR-SW model was built, to help understand the dynamics of infectious disease in a community, and to identify the main characteristics of epidemic transmission and its evolution over time. The model was also used to examine social network effects to better understand the topological structure of social contact and the impact of its properties. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the combined SEIR-SW model. Simulation results were analyzed to explore how network evolution influences the spread of desease, and statistical tests were applied to validate the model. The model accurately replicated the dynamic b ehavior of the real influenza epidemic data, confirming that the susceptible size and topological structure of social networks in a human population significant influence the spread of infectious diseases. Our model can provide health policy decision makers with a better understanding of epidemic spread, allowing them to implement control measures. It also provides early warning of the emergence of influenza epidemics.
摘 要:本文讨论了高等数学教学工作中的一些基础性工作,比如班集体的思想建设、组织建设、作风建设、制度建设。做好这些工作,就为学生的成长塑造好了一个整体环境、学习动力补给。  关键词:数学学习;思想建设;组织建设;作风建设;制度建设  高等数学教学除了传授知识,还要提高学生的能力和综合素质,所以我们的高等数学课是有明确的目标的。那么作为有目标的班集体,我们老师就有必要在班集体做一些基础性工作,做好班
摘 要:数学在小学教育中对学生智力开发起到关键作用,学生通过学习数学建立数感、空间概念及逻辑推理能力,核心素养下的小学数学教学从生活实际出发,联系数学理论,引导学生运用数学、提高数学能力,小学数学教师应注重学生核心素养的培养。  关键词:小学数学;提高;核心素养  数学核心素养是指学生在数学学习中所掌握的数字分析、基本运算、抽象联想等数学知识与技能,核心素养下的小学数学教学更关注学生在进行数学学习
一、营造“情境”,韵律活动中凸显优势  幼儿的年龄特征较突出,好奇心强,情绪色彩明显,相对的,幼儿的自主学习能力较差。此外,幼儿的心理特点较明显,心灵脆弱,对家长或老师等具有依
摘 要:一个人完整的学习经历应该是小学、中学、大学,而中学的教学阶段是基础教育。现在社会需要的人才越来越多,对人才的要求也是越来越高,特别是教育素质实施之后,对人才的要求是更高了。而中学作为基础的教育教学,学生在这个阶段所要掌握的知识就显得相当的重要。在我国现在的国情之下,老师们要面临着素质教育的实施,同时还要积极面对学生升学这个问题。学习的两极分化在初中数学学习中就已经出现,因材施教是解决这个问