
来源 :湖南农机 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:epwangke96
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我县农机发展的现状与对策平江县农机局邹尊贤一、农机发展现状解放以来,我县农业机械的发展,经历了从无到有,从小到大的过程,特别是改革开放15年来发展更快,农机总动力每年以8%的速度递增,超过了前30年总和。但是在发展中也出现了几个突出问题。1.农机管理... Status Quo and Countermeasures of Agricultural Machinery Development in Pingxian County Zou Zunxian of Agricultural Machinery Bureau of Pingjiang County I. Status Quo of Agricultural Machinery Since the liberation, the development of agricultural machinery in our county has undergone a process of from scratch, from small to large, especially in the 15 years since the reform and opening up The total power of agricultural machinery will increase at an annual rate of 8%, exceeding the sum of the previous 30 years. However, several outstanding problems have emerged in the development. 1. Farm Machinery Management ...
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