趣味阅读 万圣节编年史

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  Halloween, or All Hallows’ Eve, a holiday celebrated on the night of October 31, is a mix of ancient Celtic practices, Catholic religious rituals and European folk traditions that blended together over time to create the holiday we know today at last.
  Shades: Throughout ancient history, Shades were regarded as the spirit of a dead person, residing in the underworld.
  Carving gourds into elaborately decorated lanterns dates back to Africa thousands of years ago.
  The ancient Celts believed that wearing masks would ward off evil spirits.
  Samhain: The Festival of Samhain is a celebration of the end of the Gaelic (Celts of Scotland and Ireland) harvest season.
  Gaels believed that the border between this world and the other world became thin on Samhain; because animals and plants were dying, it allowed the dead to reach back through the veil that separated them from the living.
  Bonfires played a major role in the Festival of Samhain. Celebrants wore costumes, mostly made from animal skins and heads, and danced around bonfires.
  By A.D.43, Romans had conquered most of the Celtic territory. Two Roman festivals were then combined with the Celtic celebration of Samhain: Feralia, a day in late October when Romans commemorated the passing of the dead, and a day to honor Pomona, Roman goddess of fruit and trees.
  Werewolf: The original werewolf of classical mythology, Lycaon, a king of Arcadia who, according to Ancient Roman Poet Ovid’s The Metamorphoses, was turned into a ravenous wolf by Zeus because of provoking him. Possibly the source of the term “lycanthropy” is derived from this story.
  In the Roman Catholic church, a commemoration of “All Martyrs” was celebrated between mid-April and early May.
  The festival of All Siants dates to May 13 in 609 or 610, when Pope Boniface IV consecrated the Pantheon in Rome.
  This date was an ancient pegan observation—the end of the Feast of the Lemures, in which the evil and restless spirits of all the dead were appeased.   众圣人节要追溯到公元609或610年的5月13日,教皇卜尼法斯四世为罗马万神殿祝圣。
  Pope Gregory III designated November 1st All Saints’ Day, a time to honor saints and martyrs.
  Many believe the pope was attempting to replace the Celtic festival of the dead with a related, but church-sanctioned holiday.
  The Catholic church made November 2nd All Souls’ Day, a day to honor the dead.
  The three Catholic celebrations—the Eve of All Saints’ Day, All Saints’ Day, and All Souls’ Day, were called Hallowmas ever since.
  Carved turnips in Ireland and Scotland are used as candle lanterns in windows to ward off evil spirits.
  Another tradition involved in “Soul Cakes”: Soul cakes, often simply referred to as souls, were given out to soulers (mainly consisting of children and the poor) who would go from door to door on Hallowmas singing and saying prayers for the dead, and people would give them pastries named “Soul Cakes” as their rewards. It is said that each cake eaten would represent a soul being freed from Purgatory.
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