衡量农村家用水压式沼气池管道系统的好坏,要看是否做到整个输气系统不漏气,不易遭受外界破坏;是否便于日常管理、维修;是否能保证合理供气、用气。有不少家用沼气池,离伙房较远(超过30米)。加之导气管质量差(多为铁质)输气管直径小(在6mm以下)。这种长距离、小直径的管道,给沼气使用带来弊病: 1.由于导气管多为铁质,极易受沼气的腐蚀。天长日久,管内结成厚厚的一层污垢。使本来就小的直径变得更小,造成输气困难。甚至因逐渐堵塞而无法输气。
Measuring the quality of rural domestic pressurized biogas digesters depends on whether the entire gas transmission system is gas-tight and not subject to external damage; whether it is convenient for routine management and maintenance; whether it can ensure a reasonable supply of gas and gas. There are many household digesters, far away from the hut (more than 30 meters). Coupled with the poor quality of airways (mostly iron) pipe diameter is small (in 6mm below). This long-distance, small diameter pipe, bring disadvantages to the use of biogas: 1. Because the airways mostly iron, highly vulnerable to methane corrosion. Over time, the tube into a thick layer of dirt. Make the original small diameter becomes smaller, resulting in gas transmission difficulties. Even because of the gradual blockage and can not gas.