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To reduce the size of certificate chains and the ciphertext size in secure routing protocols, a General Aggregate Signcryption Scheme (GASC) is presented. In GASC, an identity-based signcryption algorithm and an aggregate signature algorithm are combined in a practical and secure manner to form the general aggregate signcryption scheme’s schema and concept, and a new secure, efficiently general aggregate signcryption scheme, which allows the aggregation of n distinct signcryptions by n distinct users on n distinct messages, is proposed. First, the correction of the GASC scheme is analyzed. Then, we formally prove the security of GASC in the random oracle models IND-CCA2 and EUF-CMA under the DBDHP assumption and the DLP assumption, respectively. The results show that the GASC scheme is not only secure against any probabilistic polynomial-time IND-GASC-CCA2 and EUF-GASC-CMA adversary in the random oracle models but also efficient in pairing ê computations. In addition, the GASC scheme gives an effective remedy to the key escrow problem, which is an inherent issue in IBC by splitting the private key into two parts, and reduces the communication complexity by eliminating the interaction among the senders (signers) before the signcryption generation. To reduce the size of the certificate chains and the ciphertext size in secure routing protocols, a General Aggregate Signcryption Scheme (GASC) is presented. In GASC, an identity-based signcryption algorithm and an aggregate signature algorithm are combined in a practical and secure manner to form the general aggregate signcryption scheme’s schema and concept, and a new secure, efficiently general aggregate signcryption scheme, which allows the aggregation of n distinct signcryptions by n distinct users on n distinct messages, is proposed. First, the correction of the GASC scheme is analyzed. Then, we formally prove the security of GASC in the random oracle models IND-CCA2 and EUF-CMA under the DBDHP assumption and the DLP assumption, respectively. The results show that the GASC scheme is not only secure against any probabilistic polynomial- time IND-GASC-CCA2 and EUF-GASC-CMA adversary in the random oracle models but also efficient in pairingê computations. In addition, the GASC scheme gives an effective remedy to the key escrow problem, which is is inherent issue in IBC by splitting the private key into two parts, and reduces the communication complexity by eliminating the interaction among the senders (signers) before the signcryption generation.
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