
来源 :现代农业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:litianjin
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四、营期管理从出苗到现蕾这段时期叫苗期。北方棉区苗期管理的中心任务是在全苗的基础上减少死苗,保证计划密度,采取措施争取苗齐、匀、壮,使棉苗及时现雷。1.早查苗补缺。从开始出苗时起即应经常检查,发现缺苗立即补种或移栽,一般缺苗发生早时用催芽补种,缺苗发生晚时应用移栽补缺。2.中耕。苗期中耕于播种后棉花现行时开 Fourth, the camp management from emergence to budding this period called seedling. Northern cotton seedling management center mission is to reduce dead seedling on the basis of the whole seedlings, to ensure the density of the plan, take measures to fight Miao Qi, uniform and strong so that the cotton seedlings in time Lei. 1. Early check up fill vacancies. From the beginning of emergence should be checked regularly and found that lack of seedlings immediately replanted or transplanted, the general absence of seedlings early germination replant, lack of seedlings late application of transplanting fill vacancies. Cultivation Seedling cultivation in sowing the current cotton open
蚜虫是同翅目中较大的一个类群,全世界已知约4000种。农林经济作物上大都有蚜虫取食,如桃蚜Myzus persicae、豆蚜Aphis craccivora、棉蚜Aphis gossypii、麦长管蚜Macrosi-p
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四、显著性检验根据原始资料,通过计算器运算,可直接求得t值或卡方值,查表后进行显著性检验。(一)t测验1.两个配对小样本(n_1=n_2)差异的显著性比较 Fourth, the test of s
1.养蚕前和养蚕中,注意了解桑树附近施用农药的情况,避免用被农药污染了的桑叶养蚕。 2.喷药以后,究竟要经过多少天才可以采叶喂蚕呢?据试验:95%的敌百虫2000倍液14天,3000倍