Trace element and REE geochemistry of Sanshenjiang gold deposit, southeastern Guizhou Province, Chin

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:k55551309787
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The Sanshenjiang gold deposit in southeastern Guizhou Province, China, is hosted by the Neoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks which experienced low-grade greenschist facies metamorphism. Gold mineralization occurs mainly in the ribbon chiltern slate of the first member of the Longli Formation and is controlled by both strata and faults. Ore bodies are characterized by abundant quartz-arsenopyrite-gold-pyrite-bedding veins, veinlets and small lenses within the shear zone. In this study, trace element and REE geochemistry was analyzed to constrain the origin and genesis of this deposit. The trace element signatures of wall rocks and veins display a basically similar tendency in the spider diagram, showing the genetic relationship. The values of Co/Ni, Y/Ho, Hf/Sm, Nb/La and Th/La reflect that the hydrothermal fluids of this deposit were derived from the mixture of multiple sources with marked enrichment of Cl and moderate to high temperature. There is a broad similarity in the chondrite-normalized patterns and REE fractionation between wall rocks and ore bodies, possibly reflecting their similar origin. Based on the difference in δCe and δEu, quartz veins and lenses can be subdivided into weakly negative Ce-anomalies (δCe=0.81 to 1.06) with slight Eu anomalies (δEu=0.81 to 1.06) type and the significant positive Ce-anomalies (δCe=1.13 to 1.97) with moderate negative Eu-anomalies type, probably suggesting physical-chemical changes in the evolution process of ore-forming fluids from the early to late stage. It can be concluded that the ore-forming process may have experienced three stages: formation of the original ore source bed, regional metamorphism and gold mineralization, on the basis of trace element and REE analysis and field observation. The Sanshenjiang gold deposit in southeastern Guizhou Province, China, is hosted by the Neoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks which are low-grade greenschist facies metamorphism. Gold mineralization occurs mainly in the ribbon chiltern slate of the first member of the Longli Formation and is controlled by both strata and faults. Ore bodies are characterized by abundant quartz-arsenopyrite-gold-pyrite-bedding veins, veinlets and small lenses within the shear zone. In this study, trace element and REE geochemistry was analyzed to constrain the origin and genesis of this deposit. The values ​​of Co / Ni, Y / Ho, Hf / Sm, Nb / La and Th / La reflect that the hydrothermal fluids of this deposit were derived from the mixture of multiple sources with marked enrichment of Cl and moderate to high temperature. There is a broad similarity in the chondrite-n Based on the difference in δCe and δEu, quartz veins and lenses can be subdivided into weakly negative Ce-anomalies (δCe = 0.81 to 1.06) with slight Eu anomalies (δEu = 0.81 to 1.06) type and the significant positive Ce-anomalies (δCe = 1.13 to 1.97) with moderate negative Eu-anomalies type, probably suggesting physical-chemical changes in the evolution process of ore-forming fluids from the early to late stage. It can be concluded that the ore-forming process may have experienced three stages: formation of the original ore source bed, regional metamorphism and gold mineralization, on the basis of trace element and REE analysis and field observation.
随着低沉的旋律,哼着熟悉的歌词:When I was young,I’d listen to the radio,waiting for my favorite songs,when they played.I’d sing along,it made me smile,those we
爱情犹如手中的沙,越是想抓紧,就漏的越快。相爱容易相处难,想必也是这个道理了。琐琐碎碎的生活中,我们要学会的,更多是珍惜,体会彼此给予的关爱,而不是一味的想要去掌握爱情。   当你看见我在纸上正草草涂写文字时,请不要在我身后偷看,那或许是在发泄我久久压抑在心中的情绪,或是在构思我一首暂时还羞于诉说的小诗,或者我在试着描绘一些童年记忆中的影像,它们像彩虹般在我的脑海中熠熠生辉,当我沉浸中这
摘 要:随着课程改革的不断深入,教学的有效性问题日益引起了人们的重视,这是课程改革逐渐深入的一个表现。新课程改革对初中历史教师提出了前所未有的新要求和挑战,如何以高质量教学迎接挑战,是每一位教师面临的共同问题。这就把课堂教学的有效性提上了议事日程。  关键词:初中历史;课堂教学;策略  初中历史有效教学是指通过历史课堂教学活动,学生在学业上有收获、有提高、有进步。依据历史学科特点和学生认知水平,突
摘 要:随着社会地不断发展,我国人民的生活水平得到了明显的提升,但随之而来的中外各种不同层次的负面文化的冲击,在某些程度上影响着青少年思维能力和道德水平的提升。尤其对于正处在青春发育时期的初中生来说,他们的世界观、人生观和价值观还不够成熟,心智及自身判断能力较差。因此,在这种社会背景下,加强初中政治课程的教学力度是确保初中生保持思想先进性的重要环节。随着新课程改革地不断深入,初中思想政治教学有了前
摘 要: 随着时代进步,我国教育手段和措施已经得到了飞速发展,让插画在教学应用中得到了更好的平台。本文就插画在小学美术教学中的应用展开探究,结合实际课堂教学,总结出插画在小学美术中的价值和意义,同时发现插画的应用对学生思维能力与创造力有了更深的推动作用,不但能发散思维,而且可以提高学生身心健康的全面综合素质,为学生今后全面发展提供宝贵财富。  关键词: 插画 小学美术教学 实践课程  在传统小学美
古往今来,人们几乎用尽了所有美好的词语诗句来形容和赞美春天。春天永远都是一个充满诗情画意的季节,又像是一首动人的歌,扣人心弦。春天和着美妙的节律,踏着轻盈的脚步走来,给大地穿上新春的绿衣,使万物焕然一新,满园春色。春天给人们带来了无限的欢乐和希望,给人们带,催促我们奋发向上。   春天,就像一个天真可爱的小女孩,拿着彩色的画笔,到处快乐的画着。画出一幅幅美好的画面,画出人生美好的梦想和愿