联想,就是在头脑中由一事物想到另一事物的心理过程。由于数学知识之间存在着各种密切的联系,在教学过程中通过联想,能够唤起学生对已有知识的回忆,沟通新旧知识之间的联系,进行分析推理,达到举一反三的目的。下面,谈谈数学教学中的几种联想,供大家参考。 一、横向联想: 有些应用题的表现形式虽然不同,但数量关系还是接近的。例如整数、分数与比中的倍数关系是相似的。我在五年级最后总复习时,为了沟通它们之间的关系先出示一个条件:某校男生人数是女生人数的2/3;让学生进行联想,要求学生根据这个条件还可以怎样叙述?学生根据已学过的知识可以联想到:“男生与女
Lenovo, is in the mind by one thing thought of another thing in the psychological process. Because of the close relationship between mathematics knowledge, through the association in the teaching process, students can arouse the memory of existing knowledge, communication between old and new knowledge, analysis and reasoning, to achieve the goal of “learning from the background.” Next, talk about several associations in mathematics teaching, for your reference. First, the horizontal association: Although some forms of application problems are different, but the quantitative relationship is still close. For example, integers, fractions are similar to multiples of ratios. In the final review of the fifth grade, I first showed a condition for communicating the relationship between them: the number of male students in a certain school is two-thirds of the number of girls; letting students make associations and asking students to state how they can be based on this condition; The learned knowledge can be recalled: "boys and girls