My True Joy

来源 :Women of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stchd
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Ihave special ties with paper-cuts. My interest has developed from my childhood to the present. Now I am over 40 and often use scissors to create art. I cannot deny this interesthas has matured with me. Being a newspaper arts editor I’m busy all the time. I’m the only one who knows my suffering and joy, I lack the time and energy to work on big art projects. That’s why I can only Ihave special ties with paper-cuts. My interest has developed with my childhood to the present. Now I am over 40 and often use scissors to create art. I cannot deny this interesthas has matured with me. Being a newspaper arts editor I’m Busy all the time. I’m the only one who knows my suffering and joy, I lack the time and energy to work on big art projects. That’s why I can only
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