深化水文改革 搞好优质服务

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党的十一届三中全会以后,特别是1985年以来,按照“转轨变型、全面服务”的水利改革方针,湖北省水文系统积极探索,大胆实践,推动了水文事业的发展,取得了显著的成效。 水文站网建设稳定发展,成果质量逐年提高。到目前已建成布局基本合理的各类水文站946处,积累了4万多站年的水文基本资料。水文资料甲等率达92.6%,差错率仅为0.12‰。 防汛水文服务效益进一步发挥。建成了VAX计算机服务系统和微机服务系统,实现了防汛水情信息的实时处理自动化,充实完善了水情站网。全省614处报汛站年拍发水雨情报 Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), especially since 1985, according to the guideline of water conservancy reform under “transitional transformation and full-service”, hydrological systems in Hubei Province have actively explored and dared to practice and promoted the development of hydrological undertakings. Significant Effective. The construction of hydrological station network has been developing steadily and the quality of the achievements has been increasing year by year. Up to now, 946 hydrological stations have been built with a reasonable layout, accumulating more than 40,000 hydrological data. Hydrological data A rate of 92.6%, the error rate was only 0.12 ‰. Flood prevention and hydrological services benefit further. Built VAX computer service system and computer service system, to achieve the flood control information in real-time processing automation, enrich and improve the water network station. The province’s 614 flood season station shot water and rain information
学徒制在英国历史悠久,但传统的学徒制在20世纪下半期却经历了一段低谷时期。1993年,英国政府开始实施并大力推广现代学徒制(Modern Apprenticeship),这不仅使传统学徒制发生
技能大赛对专业教学的促进作用是毫无置疑的,“以赛促学,以赛促教”的理念目前已深深影响到很多职业院校,本文就如何将技能大赛与专业教学进行有效的融合进行一些探索。 Ski
There were different opinions about the origin of petroleum property variations in the Lunnan Low Uplift of the Tarim Basin. In this paper, a software PVTsim wa