
来源 :华北民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:syf1122
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我旅组建之初,面对建设开局百事待做的形势,我们把基层建设作为开山之斧、开局之基,坚持以科学发展观为指导,明责任、抓基础、强作用,较好地发挥了政治机关抓基层的职能作用,基层建设起步快,发展势头好,各营连出色地完成了组建成立大会、实弹射击、野战信息化训练等重大任务,为旅的建设发展奠定了坚实的基础。 At the beginning of the formation of our brigade, in the face of the situation to be set for the opening of PepsiCo, we have taken the grassroot construction as the starting point and foundation for the start of the operation and insisted on using the scientific concept of development as a guide, clarifying responsibility, grasping the foundation and strengthening our role and played a good role The political organs focused on the grass-roots functions and functions, grassroots construction started rapidly, and the momentum for development was good. The battalions successfully completed the major tasks of formation and assembly, live fire shooting and field information training, laying a solid foundation for the construction and development of the brigade. .
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论述了航空材料数据库的建库及管理软件的设计和应用情况。 Discusses the construction and management software of aviation material database design and application.
利用随机变量变换,分别在完全样本和第Ⅱ型截尾样本的情形下,得到一个求极值Ⅰ型变异系数的置信限的一个简便而有效的办法. By using the random variable transformation, a s
对飞船再入舱高超声速化学非平衡三维流场进行数值模拟。控制方程为含化学反应源项的全Navier- Stokes 方程组, 化学模型为高温空气的七组元模型, 其组元成分为N2 、O2、NO、N、O、NO+ 、e- 。差分格式采
自有战争以来,气象就与战争结下了不解之缘,不同的气象条件,不仅影响了战争的胜败,甚至改写了历史1 气象影响战争公元前256年,罗马军队进攻迦太基。一开始罗马舰队由于装有