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课改,让数学教学更精彩,更让数学课堂充满了生命的活力。然而欣喜之余,冷静思考,一些严峻问题依然摆在我们面前,困扰着我们,需要我们思考,需要我们认真面对。 Curriculum reform, mathematics teaching more exciting, leaving mathematics classroom is full of vitality of life. However, when I am delighted, I think calmly and some serious problems are still before us. What troubles us and requires us to think about it and requires us to face it seriously.
First of all, let me ask you avery simple question: Do youlove children? If you don’t,they certainly won’t love you.I’ve seen too many people pretending to
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It happens(when it does hap-pen)on Sunday mornings.Onweekdays,when he has to go tohis factory,he is the first up,hut on Sunday mornings he lies in.Heawakens an
LONDONAlthough London is not the world’sbiggest city in terms of population,it isone of the biggest in area.So learnersmay be surprised to discover that thepa
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