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1996年5月15日,第八届全国人大常委会第十九次会议通过了《关于修改〈中华人民共和国水污染防治法〉的决定》,并于当日以中华人民共和国主席令第六十六号公布施行。修正重新公布的《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》第二十八条第二款规定“造成渔业污染事故的,应当接受渔政监督管理机构的调查处理”;第五十三条规定“违反本法规定,造成水污染事故的排污单位,由事故发生地的人民政府环境保护部门根据所造成的危害和损失处以罚款”,“造成渔业污染事故或者船舶造成水污染事故的,分别由水污染事故发生地的渔政监督管理机构或者交通部门的航政机关根据所造成的危害和损失处以罚款”。这是国家在法律上赋予渔政监督管理机构的重要职能。为加强渔业水域的环境保护,维护渔业生产者的合法权益,保障渔业生产的发展,最近农业部向各省、自治区、直辖市和计划单列市渔业主管厅(局),黄渤海、东海、南海区渔政渔港监督管理局、各水产科研单位发出通知,通知要求: On May 15, 1996, the 19th Meeting of the Eighth Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress passed the Decision on Amending the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution. On the same day, the chairman of the People’s Republic of China ordered the sixty-sixth Number promulgated. Amending the reissued “People’s Republic of China Water Pollution Prevention Law,” the second paragraph of Article 28 provides that “causing fisheries pollution accidents, should be subject to the investigation and handling of fishery supervision and administration authorities”; Article 53 provides that “violation of this Law stipulates that the pollutant discharging unit causing the water pollution accident shall be fined by the environmental protection department of the people’s government where the accident occurred and according to the harm and loss caused by it, ”“ causing the fishery pollution accident or the water pollution accident caused by the ship, The place where the fishery supervision and administration department or the navigation department of the transportation department imposes a fine according to the harm and loss caused. ” This is an important function that the state gives to the fishery supervision and administration institution legally. In order to strengthen the environmental protection of fishery waters, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of fishery producers and ensure the development of fishery production, the Ministry of Agriculture recently approved the fisheries administration departments (bureaus), the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea, the East China Sea and the South China Sea fisheries of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities under separate state planning Administration of Fishing Port Authority, all aquatic scientific research units issued a circular informing:
南方大口鲶是重要的经济鱼类,在人工养殖过程中,鱼苗期出现了两种严重的寄生虫病,即鲶盘虫病和斜管虫病。作者深入研究了两种寄生虫病的病原体及防治。 Southern catfish is an