
来源 :河北农业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lonlychanging
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我省枣花流蜜期间,正值天气干旱、酷热,并有干热风天气。如对蜂群管理不当,蜜蜂易得“枣花病”。发病的蜜蜂无力外出飞翔采蜜,只能贴近地面盘旋,或翻跟头。发病期一般20—30天,往往造成大量蜜蜂死亡,死亡率有的高达40%。严重影响了群势,降低了蜂产品的产量和质量、已经查明,蜜蜂患“枣花病”的原因主要是天气干热,外界缺少粉源,蜜汁浓稠,蜜蜂采集回巢吐不出蜜囊中的蜜汁。患病蜂外表腹部膨大,肠胃透明,翅子翘起,蜜囊中有很多蜜。为防止发生病害,在管理上要改善蜜蜂的生活环境和粉源供应,可采取以下措施:①在蜂箱周围及箱底常泼洒凉水,以保持地面潮湿:巢内每天要加凉水,并保持凉水洁净;蜂箱要设在 During the summer flowering honey in our province, the weather is arid, hot and hot and dry. If improper management of bees, bees easy to get “jujube disease.” Infected bees go out flying honey, can only hover close to the ground, or turn the heels. The onset period is generally 20-30 days, often resulting in a large number of bee deaths, the mortality rate of up to 40%. Seriously affected the group situation and reduced the yield and quality of bee products. It has been ascertained that the reason why the bees suffer from “jujube disease” is mainly dry and hot weather, lack of powder source outside, thick honey and bees collecting back to the nest Out of the honey bag in the honey. Sick bee appearance of the abdomen inflated, gastrointestinal transparent, tilted wings, a lot of honey in the honey bag. In order to prevent the occurrence of disease, the management should improve the living environment of bees and the supply of powder sources. The following measures can be taken: ① Spill the cold water around the beehive and the bottom of the beehive so as to keep the ground moist. Add cold water daily in the nest and keep the water clean Beehives to be set
The inhomogeneous non-equilibrium molecular dynamics (NEMD) scheme is applied to model phonon heat conduction in thin nickel films. The electronic contribution
目前能寄生于蝇类的寄生蜂有70余种,国内已报道10余种,我们在蝇蛹寄生蜂调查中,发现三种鞘翅目昆虫寄生于蝇蛹体内。 1987年6月,从山西运城酒厂酒糟中采回一批家蝇蛹,其中羽
在税收实践中,笔者深感对中外合资企业中方投资者的税收征管工作没有跟上,有些问题亟待进一步研究解决。存在的问题主要有: 1、合资的中方单位这个老“法人”的税务登记制度