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近几年来,随着社会的发展和时代的变迁,我国的教育事业也不断向前发展,其中小学教育的问题成为社会群众的焦点。无论是教师还是家长,都对小学教育相当重视,其中,小学语文尤为重要,在学习语文的时候,学生不仅能够学到普通话,而且能够透过文字来感受生活,体验生活等。而目前的小学语文教育,存在的最大问题就是过于单一和生硬,主要是教师传授一些语文知识,这样的教育形式不仅传统而且枯燥。而教育的最终目的是学以致用,在吸收教师传授知识的同时,能实现知识的生活化,这才是真正的教学。首先分析如今小学语文教育存在的问题和面临的挑战;然后对症下药,提出一些改变当前教学形势的建议;最后做一个总结。 In recent years, with the development of society and the changes of the times, education in our country has been constantly moving forward. The problem of primary education has become the focus of the masses of the society. No matter teachers or parents, they attach great importance to primary education. Among them, primary school Chinese is especially important. Students can not only learn mandarin but also feel life and experience life through writing. At present, the biggest problem with Chinese education in primary schools is that it is too single and blunted. Teachers mainly teach some Chinese knowledge. Such forms of education are not only traditional but also boring. However, the ultimate goal of education is to apply it in a practical way. While absorbing the teachers’ imparting knowledge, they can realize the living of knowledge. This is the real teaching. First of all, analyze the existing problems and challenges in the Chinese language education in elementary schools nowadays; then, to make the right remedy, put forward some suggestions to change the current teaching situation; and finally make a conclusion.
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屠杀集中营的囚犯只是纳粹党徒干的?有以色列史学家认为并非如此。最近,耶路撒冷希伯来大学史学家丹尼尔·布拉特曼出版的新书揭露,1945年初,随着盟军不断推进,位于前线的纳粹集中营的50万囚犯被迫向德国内地迁移。可迎接他们的,却是受纳粹仇恨意识影响的德国平民举起的屠刀……被迫“死亡行军”的囚犯有50万  二战打到1945年年初,随着德军节节败退,苏联红军与美英军队在德国中部会师的可能性变得越来越大。 
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