Like Water off a Duck's Back

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DEFINITION定义:Having no effect;without changing one’s feelings or opinions不起作用;未能改变某人的感情或意见 ILLUSTRATED SENTENCES例句: 1.Rumours rolled off Simpson like water off a duck’s back.辛普森对风言风语无动于衷。 2. In spite of the fact that people continually expressed their disapproval of his conduct, it was like water offa duck’s back.尽管别人不断对他的表现表示不赞同,可他对此置之不理。 DEFINITION definition: Having no effect;without changing one’s feelings or opinions does not work; fails to change someone’s feelings or opinions ILLUSTRATED SENTENCES Example sentences: 1.Rumours rolled off Simpson like water off a duck’s back. Simpson is indifferent to the wind. 2. In spite of the fact that people are expressing their disapproval of his conduct, it was like water offa duck’s back. Although others constantly disagree with his performance, he ignored it.
ATreatmentForLeukemia1MayOfferHopeForAIDS白血病的治疗可能给治疗艾滋病带来希望(美)ChristineGorman/文朱小平白永康/译注Itsoundslikethesortofremedyawitchdoc?.. Treatment of ATreatmentForLeukemia1MayOfferHopeForAIDS Leukemia May Bring Hope for Treatment of AID
日前,国际铂金婚纱巡展在温州五马街锦阳珠宝旗舰店展出一件铂金婚纱,价值近25万美元(约260人民币)。该件礼服是有由国际知名设计师Vivienne Tam小姐经过半年时间创作而成。
Silk as soft as water; Fine dresses marvelous as clouds; How magnificent they are! But how much more beautiful the kind hearts, passion and wisdom that they co
TO be honest, I had little idea what I was going to learn when I was offered an opportunity to attend the course entitled “Enhancing Women’s Role in Rural De
bend over backwards这一习语的意思为“尽最大的努力”。1.She bent over backwards to showthat she had overlooked the incident.她尽最大的努力来证明她忽视了这一事件
For the first half of this year,the average price of refined lead in China was 15,637 Yuan/ton while the price exceeded 26,000 yuan/ton in August.The average pr